Can you have more than just four icons on the dock? Also in the store I tried to move around icons like you can do on the iPod touch and iPhone, can anyone do this on the ipad?
Yes and yes. It works the same as the iPhone. I think six on the dock.
Can you have more than just four icons on the dock? Also in the store I tried to move around icons like you can do on the iPod touch and iPhone, can anyone do this on the ipad?
Can you have more than just four icons on the dock? Also in the store I tried to move around icons like you can do on the iPod touch and iPhone, can anyone do this on the ipad?
1.54 kg (according to the packing slip)
9 3/4" x 11.5" x 4"
Can you have more than just four icons on the dock? Also in the store I tried to move around icons like you can do on the iPod touch and iPhone, can anyone do this on the ipad?
Why can't you update to Mac OS 10.5? I have a iBook G4 with 10.5.8 on it and it works fine. :/
Loving our family iPad so far... Just wanted to say that paired with my JB iPhone 3G with the Cydia app called MyWi our iPad is working wonderful over wifi-3G using my iphone as the wifi hotspot. Our iPad is essentially the iPad 3G without the cost of paying AT&T for more service or Apple for the iPads coming out with the built in 3G ability. Works great!
The one thing I'm disappointed in is the selection in the iBookstore. I searched for Isaac Asimov, hardly anything. Michael Lewis, zilch. I hope this gets better over time.
How do you get that app you mentioned? I have a JB iPhone with internet tethering available. Will this work for the Wifi only? I'd like to avoid the extra 3G iPad charge and the ATT payment as well.
Just found this on
I'm axiously hoping that doesn't mean it'll take even longer for it to come to Sweden as well. I'm gonna be seriously pissed if it takes another month to come to France and then another 2-3 months to come here....
Hoping it won't be like that.
from Belkin:
FANTASTIC for traveling! How many times have you been in a hotel where you could barely find ONE available power outlet? Thanks to the Belkin adapter, I can power THREE 120v devices and TWO USB devices off a single power outlet.
of a little bit interest for East Asians is that Traditional Chinese which Taiwanese, Hong Konger, overseas Chinese use every day -- oh, and Korean --are not supported although almost every (except the first few) iPods, iPod Touches, iPhones supports this beautiful language. Hail to the great Communist Red China.
PRICELESS!!! thank you.
I'm going to carry one of these in my computer bag. Often at a coffee shop, airport, a college library, or other places, two people are already using the two wall plugs. I can just pull this out and ask if they don't mind sharing.
OH, and check this out!!!! Price comparisons for the Belkin from Google!
Outstanding battery life. I have been using it for a few hours with wifi on connected to my network and my battery is only at 87%!! Awesome, really is an amazing device.
Hello you lucky Americans... I'm trying to find out if it's worth getting a mate of mine buying me an iPad and shipping it over.
One question I have is with the power adapter. What voltage can it handle?
For instance, on my MacBook Pro, it says its Input AC is 110-240V, meaning it'll work fine in the US (110V) and Europe/Australasia (240V).
Could anyone tell me what it says on the iPad charger?