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ordered on the 20th late at night, no estimated delivery date listed.

Oct 25, 2010 3:18 PM Departed FedEx location ANCHORAGE, AK
Oct 25, 2010 11:45 AM Int'l shipment release ANCHORAGE, AK
Oct 24, 2010 9:29 PM Arrived at FedEx location ANCHORAGE, AK
Oct 25, 2010 5:25 AM In transit SHANGHAI CN
Oct 25, 2010 12:04 AM In transit SHANGHAI CN
Oct 23, 2010 5:48 AM Shipment information sent to FedEx
Oct 23, 2010 6:35 PM Left FedEx origin facility SHANGHAI CN
Oct 23, 2010 6:24 PM Picked up SHANGHAI CN Package received after FedEx cutoff

Mines riding right alongside yours :)

However, I just saw they snuck one in on me I wasn't expecting.

Fedex Flight 5140, Departed ANC @ 1604L and is destined to arrive in Indianapolis @ 0153L 10/26 (Tues). Given that my stuff usually goes through Indy at one point prior to getting to me, its possible I may get it a day early. I'm not holding my breath but...who knows? The scans don't match up, however. Regardless, Fedex Flt 94 gets into Memphis about the same time so we'll just have to monitor the in-processing scans to find out if it went to Memphis or Indy.

I wasn't expecting that one from the Jumpseat there could still be others leaving ANC that we don't know about yet.

You can keep refreshing this page here if you want to monitor all outbound aircraft from ANC throughout the remainder of the day.
Incheon, Kr 26/10/2010 8:47 Arrival Scan
Shanghai, Cn 26/10/2010 6:14 Departure Scan
Koeln (cologne), De 25/10/2010 16:05 Package Data Processed By Brokerage. Waiting For Clearance / Released By Clearing Agency. Now In-transit For Delivery
Shanghai, Cn 25/10/2010 20:36 Export Scan
Koeln (cologne), De 25/10/2010 14:17 Package Data Processed By Brokerage. Waiting For Clearance
Shanghai, Cn 25/10/2010 15:35 Departure Scan
25/10/2010 14:39 Origin Scan
Cn 25/10/2010 1:04 Billing Information Received
So how many day's did it take you guys' to go from not yet shipped to atleast prepared? Ordered mine Saturday afternoon. So I would assume possibly tomorrow?

Gives me an estimate of delivery for friday 10/29
Any Australians know where Apple are shipping the BTO Air's from? This is the third day and still, "not yet shipped".

I'll ride with your macbook air to australia to keep it safe :p Then when I get off the plane I want to see a kangaroo and feed a koala! (You can then have your macbook air since mine is on its way too :p )
So how many day's did it take you guys' to go from not yet shipped to atleast prepared? Ordered mine Saturday afternoon. So I would assume possibly tomorrow?

Gives me an estimate of delivery for friday 10/29

Yeah I would think tomorrow. 3 business days (not including w/e)
Incheon, Kr 26/10/2010 8:47 Arrival Scan
Shanghai, Cn 26/10/2010 6:14 Departure Scan
Koeln (cologne), De 25/10/2010 16:05 Package Data Processed By Brokerage. Waiting For Clearance / Released By Clearing Agency. Now In-transit For Delivery
Shanghai, Cn 25/10/2010 20:36 Export Scan
Koeln (cologne), De 25/10/2010 14:17 Package Data Processed By Brokerage. Waiting For Clearance
Shanghai, Cn 25/10/2010 15:35 Departure Scan
25/10/2010 14:39 Origin Scan
Cn 25/10/2010 1:04 Billing Information Received

We will get the new MBA on the same day but mine is coming to Portugal :p
Generally, how long does it stay in prepared for shipment?

In the past when I have ordered apple stuff it was prepared for shipment next morning and shipped that night late so not sure if it's the same in this case.
ordered on wed 20th at around 10:15pdt
as of today
Oct 26, 2010 5:46 AM In transit SHANGHAI CN
Oct 26, 2010 5:22 AM In transit SHANGHAI CN
Oct 25, 2010 12:00 PM Left FedEx origin facility SHANGHAI CN
Oct 25, 2010 11:08 AMPicked up SHANGHAI CN
Oct 24, 2010 9:48 AMShipment information sent to FedEx
Oct 25, 2010 4:01 PM Departed FedEx location ANCHORAGE, AK
Oct 25, 2010 12:46 PM Int'l shipment release ANCHORAGE, AK
Oct 24, 2010 9:29 PM Arrived at FedEx location ANCHORAGE, AK

Looks like mine made it on the second flight to Memphis.
So your's has gone to Korea too? I guess its all the european orders, crazy routing but UPS know best I guess lol.

From Korea it should go to Germany directly I think...

INCHEON, KR 10/26/2010 8:47 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN
SHANGHAI, CN 10/25/2010 9:08 P.M. EXPORT SCAN
10/25/2010 2:37 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN
I hope the Eskimo's put a tasty ice cream bar of theirs in each macbook air!
In the past when I have ordered apple stuff it was prepared for shipment next morning and shipped that night late so not sure if it's the same in this case.

Hope your the winner. I hope to awake to shipped. Says delivers 10/28-11/03, that is quite a spread.

I would think not long if it's ready to ship on a weekday, mine stayed at ready to ship right through the weekend though.

Just changed this afternoon to prepared...

Mine stayed 2 or 3 days... :(

Calling SJ now
Any Australians know where Apple are shipping the BTO Air's from? This is the third day and still, "not yet shipped".

I order my Air BTO on Sunday. Still saying 'not yet shipped' with delivery of 1-3 November. Though Tuesday is Melbourne Cup Day, and Monday is pretty much a holiday also, so don't expect to get it until next Wednesday 3 Nov when I back at work.

Still hoping it will ship earlier and get it this Friday. Fingers cross!

Mine cleared the custom at 11:50 am, 5 min after yours. Still no "departure" from AK, but I hope they have another flight to SFO today... :rolleyes:

WOW, our CA MBA's are still in AK (I just confirmed for mine)???!!! I thought they'd go through Memphis. None of the flights listed by ReallyBigFeet go to places nearer SF than Memphis, so either

a) they forgot our packages in AK, or

b) the list was incomplete and we're going to see them going out to CA later today!!!
LOL... if your MBA didn't have Customs Clearance then chances are it's not on that flight. To those who said "they must go through the bins one by one" ... no, if that were the case China to US shipments would take 10 years... they electronically clear freight in-flight, then the clearance is when FEDEX clears a bin that everything inside has been cleared by customs. Different bins clear at different times because if your bin has a package to Juan Escobar in Colombia chances are it's getting a second look or secondary review. Then there are also random (but rare if you're not on a list) inspection.

It did clear customs and I beleive it is on this flight. Tracking says "Departed from Anchorage" at 7:06pm (my time, central). ;)
Dang, just found ANOTHER Fedex flight that left Anchorage that I didn't know about.

Fedex 146 left ANC destined for Indianapolis at 1514L. That synchs up almost perfectly with my departure scan in ANC, so now I'm feeling very confident mine is bound for Indy tonight, not Memphis.
WOW, our CA MBA's are still in AK (I just confirmed for mine)???!!! I thought they'd go through Memphis. None of the flights listed by ReallyBigFeet go to places nearer SF than Memphis, so either

a) they forgot our packages in AK, or

b) the list was incomplete and we're going to see them going out to CA later today!!!

There are extra flights showing up departing ANC as I type this, so clearly the Jumpseat listing I had was incomplete.

I just found TWO enroute to Indianapolis from ANC. Keep refreshing this link to monitor....good chance any West Coast flights wouldn't leave for a bit yet.
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