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Yesterday my new MBA 13 inch with 4gb RAM arrived :) Took about 20 days to get here from ordering it online and getting it in Europe. Far to slow for my taste, but it did get here with no scratch or fault (knock on wood) ...

compared to the first gen MBA (rev A), it's a remarkable improvement. My first gen has some serious heat issues that came visible about a year after owning it. Let's hope this one won't have this. A bit surprised not to see a vent on the back though. So far, runs very quiet and very snappy.

Biggest changes so far is the super fast instant on (from sleep to active), and the bigger trackpad. The extra usb also helps of course :)

A bit surprised not to see a vent on the back though. So far, runs very quiet and very snappy.

My brand new 11" has a vent. The build is tighter than the one on my 13" MacBook, but it's there.

I'm reinstalling the OS on it right now. I want a clean slate for when I start to install my stuff... Still debating on using the migration assistant or just doing a copy off the old MacBook...
I ordered a refurb 11.6" Ultimate yesterday, and it arrived today. I'm moving from a 13" MacBook Pro, and am very satisfied. I haven't sold the MBP yet cause I want to carry this one with me to classes for a week before making a final decision, but I think 11.6" is going to be great for my use as a college student.
Bit the bullet on one of the 2009 models Apple has up on their site -
RFB MB AIR 13.3"/2.13GHZ/2GB/128SSD-USA

Already packed up and shipped out, should be here sometime next week. Was talking to a rep on the phone trying to get some info on if these refurbs had Tosh drives in them. He couldn't answer that question for me, but was very cool and gave me a nice little discount on the laptop to lock in the sale right there on the phone.

Thanks Apple, you rock. :apple:

After using my 11" Air for just over a day, I realized that the screen was too short for me to use most anywhere that I would use the computer, so I took it back to the Apple Store today and ordered a 13" with 4GB of RAM and the 128GB SSD...

Now the wait begins... :eek:

(Edit: I hate waiting... I keep thinking about canceling the order and going to pick up a 13" MBP even though there may be an imminent refresh...)
Last edited:

My CTO MBA 128, 4gb has started moving! Does anyone know how long it usually takes from Incheon to the UK?

Incheon, Korea, Republic of 02/20/2011 9:31 A.M. Departure Scan
Incheon, Korea, Republic of 02/20/2011 7:23 A.M. Arrival Scan
Shanghai, China 02/20/2011 4:50 A.M. Departure Scan
Koeln, Germany 02/19/2011 9:50 P.M. Package data processed by brokerage. Waiting for clearance.
Shanghai, China 02/19/2011 9:04 P.M. Export Scan
02/19/2011 6:30 P.M. Arrival Scan
02/19/2011 4:08 P.M. Departure Scan
02/19/2011 12:15 P.M. Origin Scan
China 02/19/2011 11:49 P.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS
delivery update

Wow, it really is flying across the world to me!

Koeln, Germany 02/20/2011 4:39 P.M. Arrival Scan
Koeln, Germany 02/20/2011 3:26 P.M. Now in-transit delivery.
Almaty, Kazakhstan 02/20/2011 2:34 P.M. Departure Scan
Almaty, Kazakhstan 02/20/2011 12:48 P.M. Arrival Scan
Incheon, Korea, Republic of 02/20/2011 9:31 A.M. Departure Scan
02/20/2011 7:23 A.M. Arrival Scan
Koeln, Germany 02/19/2011 9:50 P.M. Package data processed by brokerage. Waiting for clearance.
Shanghai, China 02/20/2011 4:50 A.M. Departure Scan
Shanghai, China 02/19/2011 9:04 P.M. Export Scan
02/19/2011 6:30 P.M. Arrival Scan
02/19/2011 4:08 P.M. Departure Scan
02/19/2011 12:15 P.M. Origin Scan
China 02/19/2011 11:49 P.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS
Mine has been sat in Germany now since Saturday. 1 Day from China -> Korea -> Kazakhstan -> Germany then 3 days sat going nowhere.

Damn those Germans.
Antsta - did yours get held up at all in Germany? If you know, how long from the Germans having it till it reached your door?

I've never been this obsessed with a delivery!
My wife decided she needs a laptop as the iPad just didn't cut it for her course she is starting plus I use the iMac quite a lot. I thought the ideal laptop would be the MBA 11 for her needs for documents, surfing the web and the occasional movie. She is taking me along to go look at them on Saturday to see whether she likes them. I must say I will be quite jealous if she gets one. Usually it is me who gets the nice new shiny technology, but the Alu 20" iMac keeps soldiering on :p
sorry if off topic guys
got £1000 burning an hole in my pocket was thinking of a new mbp, but its getting mixed reviews!
the 11" mba would do me,so i thought would ask you guys who have purchased one, but i would max it up to the ultimate....
before i press enter to order.
will the 11" mba ultimate be ok for web browsing, itunes/online radio (web/music at the sametime) and the occasional watching a mp4/avi video with nothing else running?
on a side note, do you envisage any problems when lion comes out
sorry if off topic guys
got £1000 burning an hole in my pocket was thinking of a new mbp, but its getting mixed reviews!
the 11" mba would do me,so i thought would ask you guys who have purchased one, but i would max it up to the ultimate....
before i press enter to order.
will the 11" mba ultimate be ok for web browsing, itunes/online radio (web/music at the sametime) and the occasional watching a mp4/avi video with nothing else running?
on a side note, do you envisage any problems when lion comes out

o ya...its more than enough for what you need it for
sorry if off topic guys
got £1000 burning an hole in my pocket was thinking of a new mbp, but its getting mixed reviews!
the 11" mba would do me,so i thought would ask you guys who have purchased one, but i would max it up to the ultimate....
before i press enter to order.
will the 11" mba ultimate be ok for web browsing, itunes/online radio (web/music at the sametime) and the occasional watching a mp4/avi video with nothing else running?
on a side note, do you envisage any problems when lion comes out

The base MBA would do that without breaking a sweat. Come on through something tough at us. :)

As for Lion, look at the computer Apple is showing on the Lion web pages...looks like a MBA to me!
The base MBA would do that without breaking a sweat. Come on through something tough at us. :)

As for Lion, look at the computer Apple is showing on the Lion web pages...looks like a MBA to me!

thats good to know, perhaps for what i use and for now, the standard maybe 11" with 4gb would be good enough, but thinking 1 year down the line.
i can't afford a refresh of pc/laptop every year!

now got to see if the 13" is any better although im sure the 11" will be more than powerful enough for my needs.... damn i use a netbook with atom chip 1.6ghz and 1gb ram in it lol
Just got home from the Genius Bar.

They finally agreed that there is no software or hardware fix for my runaway kernel_task issue on my MBA 1,1. My AppleCare runs out on May 11th.

In a week or so, as soon as one is in stock, I get to go pick up a brand new 13" 2010 MacBook Air.

I'm almost giddy with excitement.
that's the world i came from before getting my 13" 4gb. the 11" is slick, but i wanted a somewhat 'normal' screen size :)
i originally had the first ali macbook when that came out, but a week later got made redundant so needed to then sell said macbook :( (got my money back by selling it on ebay as john lewis in uk give 2year guarantee with all pc's/computers etc)
but needed a computer, so got this netbook............. boy is it cr@p!
but as a xmas present off my boss (employer not my fiancée lol) i got a shuttle pc, so that as taken a lot of the burden off my netbook but still hate it!

one thing is though, i do like the compact screen and size. so ive decided on the 11" mba but want it maxed out. just waiting on my mate who is an apple store employee if he can get me the 27% staff discount, or if it will be the family 17% discount......i hope its the 27% off
I just received my MBA 13"

I ordered from the refurbished store: 13", 1.86GHz, 4GB, 128GB ssd. I am super pleased by this machine. Was temped to get a brand new one for an extra $150 but after purchasing refurbished ipods, I will always choose refurbished first. The machine feels and appears brand new and is brainer. I was in debate whether to get the 11" 1.6 GHz, 4gb, 128gb. But then after researching and finding out that i could get the same machine with larger cache, larger screen, faster processor, faster fsb, and sd card slot...why choose the 11" ultimate I can get a better machine with a minimum 13". So do your research people! Design is a big thing for apple users but brand name is brand name, 11.6" looks good but the only choice is 13". The new 13" pro has some much appreciated upgrades but after using the macbook air for only ten going back to a larger machine.
Just got home from the Genius Bar.

They finally agreed that there is no software or hardware fix for my runaway kernel_task issue on my MBA 1,1. My AppleCare runs out on May 11th.

In a week or so, as soon as one is in stock, I get to go pick up a brand new 13" 2010 MacBook Air.

I'm almost giddy with excitement.


You will love it.
Had about a day now with my wife's new MacBook Air and she loves it. For a lot of the simple tasks like web browsing and listening to music it makes my iMac look bad, I am guessing most of it comes from the SSD. We did look at Windows laptops and netbooks but a lot of them were just too small, and even though the specs looked better on paper the MacBook Air is the faster machine because of the SSD and because of OS X.

If you use your computer for work and creation then get the Air. If you use your computer mainly for consumption then the iPad will suffice. As I already had an iPad and had no need for something else then I wouldn't have got this, my wife did so this is the perfect machine for her.

Having said that. If you live in the UK and want helpful advice buying a Mac then don't go to PC World. Find your nearest Apple Store. Most PC World's claim to having at least one Mac specialist but even they know very little.
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