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I feel that they've made the new 20" rather undesirable for most. Once you add a few bits to it, it's almost the price of the base 24".
i got my first (clearance 2.8) imac yesterday! sooo excited. BUT, 24" is way huger than i thought.. how do you guys see the whole screen without sitting 10 feet away??
iMac :D

Ordered Imac today,
We don't have refurbished Mac's here in the NL,
but i ordered a early 2008:

imac 24''
3.06 ghz :)
4gb ram slower than the new's but not much
320 gb didn't have enough money:p
superdrive :rolleyes:
8800 GS 512mb better than 120 ;)
wired keyboard with numpad
wireless mighty mouse

1664,58 euros with 19% BTW(kind of tax)

The new 2,93 with 120 was 1620 with student discount so
I decided to go for the old, but still faster iMac.

P.S. first one:D
Ordered Imac today,
We don't have refurbished Mac's here in the NL,
but i ordered a early 2008:

imac 24''
3.06 ghz :)
4gb ram slower than the new's but not much
320 gb didn't have enough money:p
superdrive :rolleyes:
8800 GS 512mb better than 130 ;)
wired keyboard with numpad
wireless mighty mouse

1664,58 euros with 19% BTW(kind of tax)

The new 2,93 with 120 was 1620 with student discount so
I decided to go for the old, but still faster iMac.

P.S. first one:D

GT130 is better than 8800GS...
i got my first (clearance 2.8) imac yesterday! sooo excited. BUT, 24" is way huger than i thought.. how do you guys see the whole screen without sitting 10 feet away??

It did take some getting used to. At work I have two screens next to each other and thats what it feels like at home with my iMac. It feels like two screens pushed together.

I do sit on my bed which is maybe 5 feet from the desk in my bedroom. Last night I laid in bed and watched Eddy Murphy Raw on full screen Hulu. I have a four year old 30something inch TV on the other side of the room but the glossy screen on my iMac is much better.
i got my first (clearance 2.8) imac yesterday! sooo excited. BUT, 24" is way huger than i thought.. how do you guys see the whole screen without sitting 10 feet away??

you will be surprised how quick you'll get use to it. oh yeah, make sure you turn the brightness all the way down :D
Finally making the jump to iMac after a lifetime of Windows. Only problem now is it won't arrive until next week. Went for the 3.06 24" with wireless mighty mouse and keyboard with number keypad. Can't wait.
Finally making the jump to iMac after a lifetime of Windows. Only problem now is it won't arrive until next week. Went for the 3.06 24" with wireless mighty mouse and keyboard with number keypad. Can't wait.

Congrats - like me you'll probably ask yourself why you didn't do it sooner!
Okay I have this question for all of you. If you ordered the ati 4850 with an expected shipment 'til the end of April, and the rumors spread that there are only a few days away from the release of Snow Leopard..will you cancel your order and wait for the new software to come with your machine? even if it meant waiting another month or so?..
Okay I have this question for all of you. If you ordered the ati 4850 with an expected shipment 'til the end of April, and the rumors spread that there are only a few days away from the release of Snow Leopard..will you cancel your order and wait for the new software to come with your machine? even if it meant waiting another month or so?..

If a release really were imminent, which I'm highly skeptical of, consider that the machines ordered with 4850's haven't even become ready to ship. I doubt it would take much finagling to get SL included on your yet to be built and still-cancellable order.
Okay I have this question for all of you. If you ordered the ati 4850 with an expected shipment 'til the end of April, and the rumors spread that there are only a few days away from the release of Snow Leopard..will you cancel your order and wait for the new software to come with your machine? even if it meant waiting another month or so?..
  • I bought an iMac, not a Leopard.
  • Snow Leopard won't come out any earlier than June.
  • I needed this computer last month, actually, so next month is already painful enough. I don't mean that in a whiny when-will-it-get-here sense; I mean it in a our-work-is-losing-many-hours-of-productivity sense.
  • I would rather have a .7 release of an operating system than a .0 one.
  • Anyone timing their hardware purchases around software releases is doing it wrong.
received my refurbed 24" 2.8 a lot of others i also was given the ilife09 disc in my far i am quite happy with everything,cheers.
Printer rebate

Ok, so I ordered a 3.06 iMac with the ATi card...
I need a new printer so I took Apple's offer of $100 printer with a $100 rebate...aka free.
However, the printer promotion ends April 20th, and I cannot submit the rebate form until all items on my order ship. My imac is expected to ship on the 14th. If that gets pushed back later than the 20th, will Apple jip me on the rebate deal? Or does the April 20th deal mean you have to place the order online by the 20th?
Ok, so I ordered a 3.06 iMac with the ATi card...
I need a new printer so I took Apple's offer of $100 printer with a $100 rebate...aka free.
However, the printer promotion ends April 20th, and I cannot submit the rebate form until all items on my order ship. My imac is expected to ship on the 14th. If that gets pushed back later than the 20th, will Apple jip me on the rebate deal? Or does the April 20th deal mean you have to place the order online by the 20th?

Give them a call. I think you can work something out since it's not your fault that you won't have your iMac by the deadline.
i guess if you guys got used to it, i will too =) i am a complete mac noob, but excited to play with my new toy! *goes to learn how to turn brightness down*

It did take some getting used to. At work I have two screens next to each other and thats what it feels like at home with my iMac. It feels like two screens pushed together.

you will be surprised how quick you'll get use to it. oh yeah, make sure you turn the brightness all the way down :D
Good for you!

Just ordered myself a refurb'ed 24" 2.8GHz iMac. This should be quite a leap up from my beige G3. :D

Cool, that's great! That's going to be an enormous jump upwards. I'm looking to replace my 400 MHz G4 Powermac very soon! Will probably go for the new 2.66 Ghz 24", I would like a faster processor but I need to buy a new audio interface as well which will be about £500, so it adds up to quite a lot of cash (for me, anyway).
Got my toy today, 2,93 Imac, gt 130
An upgrade from a much loved mac mini Power pc 1.42 ghz!!

i think it has changed my life!!!!:)
I've gotten fed up with stupid HP laptops and towers with Vista, so i decided to convert to iMac, without any previous knowledge or anything about macs generally. So I told a friend I was thinking of getting the 2.66 version, and he somehow managed to convince me of buying the 2.93 version. Fine I said, and took off to the local applestore, with full intentions of buying a 2.93 iMac. Once there I asked how much the upgraded graficscards and hd would cost, and I thought I might as well get that as well. But then the sales clerk says that I should go for the 3.06 since I'm allready spending so much money with the upgrades. Tempted by the thought that if I did that I could take one home with me right away, I ended up buying the 3.06.

I got home about half an houer later, sat down and started realising that this was way too expensive for my kinde of budget, and I started to feel a bit anxious. But only those who dare are winners, and I unpacked the iMac and turned it on (I was delighted by the ease of this). And, well... I'm not so anxious any more, and I have to say I dont regret it at all. Guess I'll just have to survive on eggs and nudles for a while to pay off the debt.
I got home today and setup my new iMac. Wow is all I can say! This thing is huge and is certainly going to take some getting used to. I haven't noticed any dead or stuck pixels; in fact, the screen is just beautiful.

This is my first Mac and so I've got a lot to learn, but I've made a good start. :)
O..M..G I can't believe I've already waiting 17 days and the wait is not even half over! First mac, first post. Been trying not to think about it too much, knowing I'd just be torturing myself, but there's only so long I can stay cool I guess :p I guess browsing through mac forums doesn't help so much with the not-thinking about it..

For the record:

Ships: 14 Apr
Delivers: 21 Apr
Just ordered the 20" myself

I just ordered the following with an educational discount from the German Apple Online store:

2.66 20" iMac
large keyboard
4 GB Apple Ram (yes, I know I'm paying more than 3rd party)
640 GB HD (cheap upgrade IMHO)

Those 24" models have nice screens, but, man are they big. Too big for me. I just decided to get the 20"...after all, it won't be the last Mac I buy, so in a few years, I can look forward to something else. In the meantime, I plan to thoroughly enjoy this one.
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