It is kind of funny that this is being said about Samsung phone owners. This use to be only reserved for Apple fans. Well I think of think it shows us just how big Samsung and the S phones are getting. It seems that once a company becomes really popular the people that don't like them have to come up with something wrong with them. I guess it is just to justify them not buying the product. I can't say much because I use to say these kinds of things all the time about Apple. I have changed my ways a bit, but I still find some things funny about Apple fans.
I can't quite figure this out, but it seems like every iPhone owner that switches to android is choosing the One. My guess for this is because of the way the phone is built. It is made out of metal, and it feels more like the iphone? I also think something about Sense makes it an good transition. It is just kind of mind bogging because so many Apple fans bashed android for so long, but was a metal built phone the only thing it takes to get iPhone owners to try android? Just curious.
HTC and Apple share some of the same values as far as hardware and even software design (a few quality features that people actually use - yes even Siri).
Samsung made themselves the contrarian by putting up ads that mocked users of the iPhone (and more recently others like BB). People don't need to come up with things that are wrong with Samsung phones - because there are things "wrong" with every phone - its all based on preference.
But now you have Samsung fans putting out the "Samsung is perfect and anyone who says otherwise is stupid" vibe that many of those people criticized Apple fans of......its really quite ironic and comical.
My distaste for Samsung has nothing to do that they are the main competitor of Apple - Samsung has owned the market for years now, even in the US with their hundreds of lines of phones. I take issue with the combative marketing, the "throw it all in" mentality when it comes to software and the belligerent fan base that insults my intelligence when I make ANY sort of criticism of one of their phones.
I prefer a more sophisticated approach - both in hardware and software. HTC implemented a few features - Blinkfeed, boomsound and Zoe - all which work fantastically and are useful. Forget bloating the skin with all the nonsense Samsung puts in - just me give a couple well implemented and useful features as well as a pleasingly designed UI (I find Sense more modern and sophisticated than Touchwiz).
That's why I chose the One after using iPhones then the Nexus. And from what i've read about the GS4 (both reviews and in depth comments from posters here), I don't think I'm missing out on anything. I sincerely hope HTC can capitalize on Samsung leaving the door open a little. If HTC can sell 20 million One's, that would be a great success and more than double their sales last year. Will it outsell the GS4? Hell no....I'd expect the GS4 to do as well, if not a little better than the GS3 meaning it'll sell somewhere in the 70-100 million range (over the course of the year+). But 20 million would be a nice little start for HTC and get people interested in them again.
They have the capability to do it - maybe sell even more. They just need to put forth the marketing and focus behind it - so far i think they are off to a good start.