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macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2008
I'm really on the fence with this MBP, I wish they had put 4 ports instead of 2 ports :(


macrumors 601
Aug 7, 2013
Do you think this will supplant your rMB? I haven't picked mine up yet, but This may be the case for me, if it works out. If it does, i'm also going to get the new 15" also, to replace my 2013
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macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
Do you think this will supplant your rMB? I haven't picked mine up yet, but THis may be the case for me, if it works out. If it does, i'm also going to get the 15" to replace my 2013

I am going to test it side by side with the rMB to see how big of a jump I feel with my day to day task.


macrumors 601
Aug 7, 2013
I'm really on the fence with this MBP, I wish they had put 4 ports instead of 2 ports :(

There's the Apple dongle (charge+USB 3+ HDMI), which effectively adds another USB port, and HDMI

Also docks. I'm not sure you even need 2 thunderbolt controllers unless you want......whatever.

I haven't a clue though, really. I do know that the rMB's single port was not enough. Of course, 4 ports maybe a Godsend also. We shall see


macrumors 65816
Oct 5, 2008
There's the Apple dongle (charge+USB 3+ HDMI), which effectively adds another USB port, and HDMI

Also docks. I'm not sure you even need 2 thunderbolt controllers unless you want......whatever.

I haven't a clue though, really. I do know that the rMB's single port was not enough. Of course, 4 ports maybe a Godsend also. We shall see

I have a USB stick that is permanently attached to my currently MBP where my VM's are stored. With 2, I actually just have 1 usable if I go with the non-touch MBP which I use for charging and won't have the option to leave the MBP charging and using another cable or so.

For my uses, the touch bar will barely be utilized...:(


macrumors 601
Aug 7, 2013
I was thinking about buying another rMB as I need two machines, and the 2013 15" is a little large. The new 15", I have a feeling, is better in this regard. Glad these came out.


macrumors 6502
Nov 11, 2007
It's bigger than the 12" MacBook charger... quite a bit bigger, actually. It's just slightly smaller than the 15" 85W MagSafe charger.

That's a bummer. One of the great things about the 12-inch MacBook is the TOTAL weight you carry with you on a trip, not just the weight of the device. I traveled with my MacBook quite a bit this summer and that charger is like a feather in your backpack.


macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2012
Here are a some more photos ... US Quarter placed on left palm rest for a better idea of size/scale.

2016-10-28 15.40.12.jpg
2016-10-28 15.40.27.jpg
2016-10-28 15.40.38.jpg
2016-10-28 15.41.33.jpg


macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2012
That's a bummer. One of the great things about the 12-inch MacBook is the TOTAL weight you carry with you on a trip, not just the weight of the device. I traveled with my MacBook quite a bit this summer and that charger is like a feather in your backpack.

I still have a spare 29W MacBook charger that will be my "travel" charger. It won't charge it as fast, but will be a good option for overnight top-offs. Far more portable! I'm guessing the 29W won't be able to charge while it's in use either, may slow down the drain but will still drain.


macrumors G5
Jun 12, 2012
I still have a spare 29W MacBook charger that will be my "travel" charger. It won't charge it as fast, but will be a good option for overnight top-offs. Far more portable! I'm guessing the 29W won't be able to charge while it's in use either, may slow down the drain but will still drain.

Will you actually test that and confirm? I already have a 29watt setup at work and will just leave it if it can maintain a charge while in use.


macrumors member
Sep 17, 2016
I still have a spare 29W MacBook charger that will be my "travel" charger. It won't charge it as fast, but will be a good option for overnight top-offs. Far more portable! I'm guessing the 29W won't be able to charge while it's in use either, may slow down the drain but will still drain.

how does it feel speedwise? depending on your usage of course


macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2012
It's a keeper :)

Heading out for the night, will try to respond later tonight/tomorrow morning.

Cya'll later!

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