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I've been watching this thread for the past few days as I wait impatiently for my iPad. To give some of you guys that ordered a 16GB an idea of where they might be order wise I:

Ordered: April 30th 9:05 PDT
iPad 3G 16GB
"Not Yet Shipped" Still

I assume your estimated delivery date is also between May 11 and may 15?
I'm in the same boat as you, and mine says the same.

I also called FedEx, and after they transferred me to the department "that handles those types of shipments", she looked at all the notes and said it's actually "Waiting for Aircraft", as in there was not enough space on the plane, so it got bumped. She said it should start moving again shortly.

That makes more sense that the paperwork.

MrCoffee, can I asked which iPad you ordered? BTW, love your user name.. haha
I assume your estimated delivery date is also between May 11 and may 15?

Actually May 8th and 14th but not any sign of movement, I could have sworn that when I ordered it said ships by May 7th but the first time I went to check the order status it has said the same thing ever since. I check the order status obsessively too waiting for a "prepared for shipment", its gotten to the point that I think I need help haha
I've been watching this thread for the past few days as I wait impatiently for my iPad. To give some of you guys that ordered a 16GB an idea of where they might be order wise I:

Ordered: April 30th 9:05 PDT
iPad 3G 16GB
"Not Yet Shipped" Still

Wow thanks. You just ruined my day.
Actually May 8th and 14th but not any sign of movement, I could have sworn that when I ordered it said ships by May 7th but the first time I went to check the order status it has said the same thing ever since. I check the order status obsessively too waiting for a "prepared for shipment", its gotten to the point that I think I need help haha

Well that's still basically in the same time frame as the rest of us that ordered the 16GB ipads. They need to hurry up and start changing our status. :eek:
hehehe. Thanks. :)

I ordered a 64gig + 3g.

Yea... I ordered the same model... and I guess the not having enough planes out thing makes sense...

I dont know what the hell the guy I talked to was thinking... "ummm yea I guess Apple didn't do their customs paperwork right :mad: "

Well, I hope it gets moving soon. I actually live in South Korea ATM and my brother in the US is supposed to send it to me once it actually gets to him. China to the US to Korea. What crap :( Here's to hoping it goes out ASAP!
I get the feeling their spread too thin with the 16gb between stores and online. I figure the 16gb is probably the most ordered and reserved among the masses given its price point and all. I've had no better luck in store though, as of today I'm supposedly 43rd in line.
I've been watching this thread for the past few days as I wait impatiently for my iPad. To give some of you guys that ordered a 16GB an idea of where they might be order wise I:

Ordered: April 30th 9:05 PDT
iPad 3G 16GB
"Not Yet Shipped" Still

UPDATE: Of course about 10 minutes after posting this my status has finally changed to "Prepared for Shipment"!
Wise choice on the 64 GB. I think they ship faster!:D
Ordered one late on 4/30. Shipped 5/6. Arrived TODAY:D

See? Now what the heck is going on here? I ordered the same model (64gb 3g), a day before (4/29), mine shipped on the same day (5/6), and mine is still "Clearance in Progress" in China. wtf Fedex?
I just called Fedex, and they said that my iPad is stuck in CHINESE customs, because on my particular shipment of iPads, someone forgot the paperwork, and it's sitting there... it's been in customs since May 7th, and they apparently cant get a hold of whoever sent the shipment. :mad:

My order number is in the W69933### range. Anyone else having this problem?
I just called Fedex, and they said that my iPad is stuck in CHINESE customs, because on my particular shipment of iPads, someone forgot the paperwork, and it's sitting there... it's been in customs since May 7th, and they apparently cant get a hold of whoever sent the shipment. :mad:

My order number is in the W69933### range. Anyone else having this problem?

I remember this happening with the WiFi models with UPS. They sat there for about 3 days b/c of the paper work issue .
hmm... everyone elses seemed to have gone from Shenzen to Chek Lap Kok to Anchorage,
wonder why mine went to Lantau Island:confused:
hmm... everyone elses seemed to have gone from Shenzen to Chek Lap Kok to Anchorage,
wonder why mine went to Lantau Island:confused:

I would be content with mine actually leaving Shenzhen. :(

I talked to apple and they said they had no notice from fedex that anything was going on, but they would let corporate know ... the manager even gave me his direct line and email, and offered to make it up to me if it didnt arrive to me on time. I'm glad to know that Apple is still doing their jobs and taking care of their customers. :apple:
Check your status boys, mine just shipped so looks like another full load coming our way :D

32GB 3G, fedex ordered on the 1st.
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