This right here is why I try to avoid subscriptions whenever possible. Paying for a streaming service is one thing - rarely do I watch the same same movie or TV show twice, and even if I wanted to it wouldn't be the end of me if I can't. But keeping my data, my files, and my contents in a death grip forcing me to continue paying until all eternity is a whole different story. I wouldn't mind subscriptions if, for example, after a year or two of subscribing I would be allowed to keep the status quo should I decide to stop paying. But losing all access if I decide to stop paying after X years and spending hundreds of my hard-earned dollars on something is completely and utterly unacceptable.I'm tired of subscriptions. I may be getting old but I'm tired of paying monthly for something that goes away if I stop paying it.
Unfortunately, the entire third party software ecosystem on both Windows and macOS seems to be moving away from perpetual one-time license purchase models towards an annual subscription service model, and avoiding them is getting increasingly harder. I'm already paying for Adobe's Photoshop & Lightroom for myself and for Microsoft's Office 365 Personal for my wife (she needs the OneDrive storage which is not available without a full Office 365 subscription), and I'm afraid that won't be the end of it