Mine is blue. It has one 8x6 and one 6x6, though I'm using two 6x6 cables for both, and it works great. I've uploaded a few images to show you which ROM I used and how the card appears in my machine.
Okay, now I'm really confused. Mine is a blue board H489F
T1GP... one 8 pin power socket and one 6 pin power socket on the card. I believe this is what is meant by "8x6" and "6x6"?
Is this the same card as yours? It shows a red board, but mine is blue w/ the two 8x6 plugs. The insert with the card said "HIS does not recommend putting a 6 pin plug into an 8 pin socket" but is that what you've done? You stated earlier it was powered from the optical drive - but from your image it looks like you have TWO 6x6 cables and I cannot tell if one or both of them is attached to the mother board...
I currently have an ATI 3870 with one 6 pin power socket, and it uses the Mac Pro cable included which seems to go direct to the mother board... no molex involved, and it does not go to the optical bay as far as I can tell (I know they all go the same place eventually, but I am not sure if I should use this cable AND the 8 pin or get both cables to the optical through what is pictured).
I am under the impression that on this new HIS 4890 I need BOTH the 8-pin and the 6-pin socket filled. The card also came with 2 cables: 8 pin to 2 molex and 6 pin to 2 molex. I am getting ready to plug
both in, and then connect one molex from
each to the first molex splitter in the chain of 2? And the second molex splitter is just for length to get it up to optical bay?
Is that what you did? Alternatively, I can plug the 6 pin cord into the mo-bo, and the 8 pin cord has 2 molex which
both can go to the optical drive power supply through my two molex splitters. But I don't know if it can do 6 pin -> mo-bo and 8 pin to optical drive. Too much power? I'd rather err on the side of too little power.
Basically, I'm terrified of frying this thing in a ~$200 experiment... Anyone who knows electrical stuff might be able to get a free ATI HD 3870 from me if they know for sure!!