Hi Cindori,
Have a quick question.
I did xbench test for my newly worked XFX 4890 v2.0.
The score seems pretty low even compare to 4850 from other posted result.
Also with OpenGL viewer my score is par or even lower than 4870.
What do you think? I did install the Quartz patch.
My Quartz graphics test: 206.42, OpenGL graphics test: 144.61.
Thanks for your time.
Mac Pro 1.1 (OS X 10.6.2)
ATI Radeon HD 4890:
Chipset Model: ATI Radeon HD 4890
Type: GPU
Bus: PCIe
Slot: Slot-1
PCIe Lane Width: x16
VRAM (Total): 1024 MB
Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
Device ID: 0x9460
Revision ID: 0x0000
ROM Revision: 113-B7710C-176
EFI Driver Version: 01.00.318
Cinema HD:
Resolution: 2560 x 1600
Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Rotation: Supported
Display Connector:
Status: No Display Connected
Is Quartz patch working? Since SL won't show the information like "Core Image: Hardware Accelerated" or "Quartz Extreme: Supported". How do you confirm QE_CI works if they are working? Under Zeus Driver it says Quartz Driver Installed: Yes.