It turns out the drive I was wiping was my mounted Time Machine disk image 🤦‍♂️ I thought the name of the drive was strange...luckily had a second backup of that, so no loss there but lesson learned.
With all network access disabled the drive doesn't actually mount at all in the external enclosure (which is brand new, arrived in the mail today to try to resolve this) so I'm unable to wipe and restore. But rather than derail this forum, it sounds like others have had success running 11.6 and I just screwed the pooch by interrupting the install.Should be no problem to restore P2 back to pristine state
My best research shows it's the TLC variant, as it doesn't have the new markings on the label that the QLC one does and has 4 NAND flash packages as opposed to 2 in the QLC variant.BTW, can you confidently tell if you got the TLC or QLC version?
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