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UK stock

Amazon in the UK and Computer Warehouse have stock of the standard i5. Just picked mine up from CW. This after being told yesterday that the quads go in to production in mid December.

My wait is over. As long as it isn't DOA, cracked screen etc.
Signing off

My i5 is working perfectly. Not sure I like the mini keyboard and Magic Mouse yet, but will give them time.

Good luck all. And, if you are waiting on one reseller, do check the others. The APR I ordered from cannot understand for the life of them how a non-APR reseller has got stock. Wow, I hope it isn't gray market, or worse!
Waiting for Quad from Switch - Belgium

Anyone else waiting in Belgium from the Switch retailers?

Ordered it the next day they got announced and now over a month I still haven't received it :mad:

They keep saying November... Well they got today and then two more days left to keep up that promise...
My i5 is working perfectly. Not sure I like the mini keyboard and Magic Mouse yet, but will give them time.

Same here. My i5, so far, is great (knock on wood). I'm also probably not gonna use the enclosed keyboard or mouse. I need my numeric keypad, so the wireless was an automatic no-go for me. Still in the plastic wrap. The Magic Mouse is in the drawer. I might give it a few more shots, but thumb buttons > two finger swipe. (I don't know how anyone calls that awkward and uncomfortable motion "natural". If I had to do that regularly, I'd probably inflame my tendonitis) I also don't know if I can give up middle click, highlight Google search button, and zoom button on my Logitech.
I need my numeric keypad, so the wireless was an automatic no-go for me. Still in the plastic wrap.

Can't resellers sell the iMacs with the wired keyboard? I'm the same boat as you in that respect which is why I just changed the wireless keyboard to a wired one with a keypad when I placed my order from Apple online store.

The Magic Mouse is in the drawer. I might give it a few more shots, but thumb buttons > two finger swipe. (I don't know how anyone calls that awkward and uncomfortable motion "natural". If I had to do that regularly, I'd probably inflame my tendonitis) I also don't know if I can give up middle click, highlight Google search button, and zoom button on my Logitech.

Coming from a Logitech MX Revolution I thought I agreed with you on this one too until I actually tried the Magic Mouse and added the awesome Better Touch Tool. Now I swipe two fingers down for Exposé and two fingers up for Spaces. Three finger click brings up Dashboard. It also lets you speed up the mouse tracking to a usable level above what Apple allows. I am sold on the multitouch. This mouse is the future.
I ordered from a Swiss reseller which also happen to be my photography gear supplier. There are knowledgeable people working there, in fact they provided me with better support than Apple ever was capable of hence I didn`t want to cancel the order. Still no update from Apple, the guys from the reseller told me that there is nothing that they can do to make any difference. Could arrive in two weeks or sometimes next year (ordered 26th of October).

I waited till the end of November but can`t do that anymore. I go there tomorrow and see if I can cancel the iMac order and buy the entry level Mac Pro. New ones are due sometimes next year but I need it NOW so I have to get the old one. Kind of a good thing did it not arrive, I probably wouldn`t have adapted to the glossy crap anyway plus I can save me from buying a NAS so all in all I don`t spend more I just don`t get a second screen that I really wasn`t after anyway plus I get more speed too (not from the CPU but better memory bandwith and faster harddrive speeds because mounted internally oh and I can add eSata-PCIe which I was after too. Sonnettech I`m coming...they offer an awesome SAN device that beats everything a NAS can deliver performancewise :)
Can't resellers sell the iMacs with the wired keyboard?

i think resellers that sell custom configurations can sell the wired keyboard. Since I bought off Amazon, this was not an option for me. But the money I saved buying off Amazon vs. the Apple Online Store (from sales tax and the recycle fee) would more than make up for the difference. Plus, now that the MBP has been demoted to laptop-only duty, I already had a wired keyboard ready to go. :D

Coming from a Logitech MX Revolution I thought I agreed with you on this one too until I actually tried the Magic Mouse and added the awesome Better Touch Tool.

I might give it another shot later on when the Magic Mouse reaches feature parity with the multitouch trackpad. Right now, aside from the features (I really miss one button highlight search), familiarity, and ease of use, to me the Magic Mouse is just flat out uncomfortable to use. It doesn't slide well and the low profile is just horrible. Vertical gestures aren't a big issue, but I can't do horizontal gestures comfortably. Maybe the muscles in my hand don't work the right way or it's the tendinitis but the horizontal gestures require moving my wrist (very uncomfortable) or moving my arm (imo excessive effort).

However, 360° momentum scrolling works like a dream.
MacConnection i5 in stock...

MacConnection has the i5 in stock with 8 gigs of RAM. Unfortunately, I only ordered it with 4 gigs, and those haven't come in yet.
MacConnection has the i5 in stock with 8 gigs of RAM. Unfortunately, I only ordered it with 4 gigs, and those haven't come in yet.

Same here. I ordered on Black Friday (11/27/09). When did you order? I opened a chat with their CS and I was told it will ship this Friday. I've ordered my previous two iMacs with them and I've been a happy customer...
Same here. I ordered on Black Friday (11/27/09). When did you order? I opened a chat with their CS and I was told it will ship this Friday. I've ordered my previous two iMacs with them and I've been a happy customer...

I ordered a Imac 27 I7 4gigs with them on black friday too as they agreed to price match apple Black Friday sale and their is no sale tax with Mac Connection in CA so that is like $300 savings. I have bought my last 2 macs(Macbook and Imac) from them as well both times they shipped them when they claimed they would and on Friday I was told I7 would be in Monday and mine would ship on Monday as well. So I just called them up few hours ago to find out if they got in the I7 and I was told they computer is now saying Dec 11. I said on Friday it was I was told it would be in Nov 30th. So I asked why the date changed so much and I was told their are some back orders and what they had/have coming in before Dec 11 are already sold. So i asked what number in line I was and I was told that information could not be given out. I asked if it was possible that one of the ones coming in before Dec 11 would be mine and I was told that information could not be given out either. Then asked if any came in today I was told that information could not be given out either.

I hope the rep who took my order remember to check how many were coming in on Nov 30 vs how many back orders they had and some I7 will show up in the next few days and mine will be one of them.

I hope my order does not turn into one of the horror stories I read on here from people ordering from 3rd party retailer only to end up waiting months to get their computer and giving up and ordering via Apple direct. If that is going to be the case I am going to regret ordering it via Mac Connection as I told the rep 3-4x if they did not have any coming in soon I prefer to just order via Apple today when it is on sale vs buying it full price in 3-4 weeks because one I order via you never shows up and i end up paying full price + the sales tax. The rep keep telling me her computer shows we have some coming in on Nov 30 as we have the tracking numbers already in our system so if they do come in early enough on monday we will ship it out to you the same day we get it. I hope the rep did not get me to place order just to be on back order so they could get the commission for X-mas knowing my order will never come in before x-mas and if I canceled it they would loose the commission on their pay check after X-mas.
Ordered an i5 from ABT of Chicago Tuesday and it has shipped (on Tuesday) Trouble is that while it normally only takes two days to arrive in Atlanta UPS might not get it here till Monday.

Hopefully UPS will get it here Friday, will be annoying if not.

Well UPS delivered on Monday. ABT packed the Apple Shipping box into yet another box with air bags on both ends and my Apple Support box together.

Flawless machine.

Link to ABT
I ordered a Imac 27 I7 4gigs with them on black friday too as they agreed to price match apple Black Friday sale and their is no sale tax with Mac Connection in CA so that is like $300 savings. I have bought my last 2 macs(Macbook and Imac) from them as well both times they shipped them when they claimed they would and on Friday I was told I7 would be in Monday and mine would ship on Monday as well. So I just called them up few hours ago to find out if they got in the I7 and I was told they computer is now saying Dec 11. I said on Friday it was I was told it would be in Nov 30th. So I asked why the date changed so much and I was told their are some back orders and what they had/have coming in before Dec 11 are already sold. So i asked what number in line I was and I was told that information could not be given out. I asked if it was possible that one of the ones coming in before Dec 11 would be mine and I was told that information could not be given out either. Then asked if any came in today I was told that information could not be given out either.

I hope the rep who took my order remember to check how many were coming in on Nov 30 vs how many back orders they had and some I7 will show up in the next few days and mine will be one of them.

I hope my order does not turn into one of the horror stories I read on here from people ordering from 3rd party retailer only to end up waiting months to get their computer and giving up and ordering via Apple direct. If that is going to be the case I am going to regret ordering it via Mac Connection as I told the rep 3-4x if they did not have any coming in soon I prefer to just order via Apple today when it is on sale vs buying it full price in 3-4 weeks because one I order via you never shows up and i end up paying full price + the sales tax. The rep keep telling me her computer shows we have some coming in on Nov 30 as we have the tracking numbers already in our system so if they do come in early enough on monday we will ship it out to you the same day we get it. I hope the rep did not get me to place order just to be on back order so they could get the commission for X-mas knowing my order will never come in before x-mas and if I canceled it they would loose the commission on their pay check after X-mas.

Well, for the savings I'm getting, I'm prepared to wait two or three weeks. And MacConnection has been good to me in the past. I just hope it won't take 30 days as the rebate form states that the postmark should be within 30 days of ordering. And besides, I have no heavy-lifter right now; although my Mac Air (Rev A) has been doing an admirable job keeping me afloat.
Same here. I ordered on Black Friday (11/27/09). When did you order? I opened a chat with their CS and I was told it will ship this Friday. I've ordered my previous two iMacs with them and I've been a happy customer...

I ordered 11/18/09 and was told they would be arriving on Black Friday. I called that day and was told they're "hoping" for the following Friday. MacConnection has always been great to me, but this is the first time I've tried ordering something before they had it in stock. The good news is, they did drop the price to the Black Friday price for me.
I ordered from MacMall on the 16th. I was first told It would ship on the 20th. Then I was told the 30th. So I called today and now they are saying december 9th. So i cancelled my order. These resellers clearly have absolutely no idea and they keep telling us a date so they dont loose our order.
I ordered 11/18/09 and was told they would be arriving on Black Friday. I called that day and was told they're "hoping" for the following Friday. MacConnection has always been great to me, but this is the first time I've tried ordering something before they had it in stock. The good news is, they did drop the price to the Black Friday price for me.

That's nice that they adjusted the price for you apparently without fuss. They should anyway but some resellers try to argue that the price at order time is what applies. I asked for an estimated ship date again - this time via email. A different CSR responded and gave me the same estimate of Friday (Dec. 4th). So, I'm beginning to get excited about getting my grubby fingers on an i5 by the next Friday...:)
I ordered from MacMall on the 16th. I was first told It would ship on the 20th. Then I was told the 30th. So I called today and now they are saying december 9th. So i cancelled my order. These resellers clearly have absolutely no idea and they keep telling us a date so they dont loose our order.

Check to see if ABT has it in stock, while it is MSRP you might get out of tax
I'm waiting for a stock i5 here in NZ through a reseller. I have been advised today there is no stock for the retail channel at this time and there is no confirmed ETA. I can however buy online and there is stock available from Apple.
I ordered from MacMall on the 16th. I was first told It would ship on the 20th. Then I was told the 30th. So I called today and now they are saying december 9th. So i cancelled my order. These resellers clearly have absolutely no idea and they keep telling us a date so they dont loose our order.

I ordered a 2.8Ghz quad core on Nov 21st from MacMall and mine shipped today. I'm waiting on the UPS tracking to update so I can find out when it will be here. The lady that called me on the phone earlier to let me know it had shipped said it would be 2 days.
I ordered a 2.8Ghz quad core on Nov 21st from MacMall and mine shipped today. I'm waiting on the UPS tracking to update so I can find out when it will be here. The lady that called me on the phone earlier to let me know it had shipped said it would be 2 days.

+1 Mine is too!

So exciting!
Went in this Monday to see what is going on. Ordered 26th of October but it wasn`t even built and nobody knew when it will arrive...they said Apple leaves them in complete darkness on what is going on with their orders. I cancelled and bought the Mac Pro Octocore instead. I know new ones are coming soon but I really do need a replacement for my Macbook Pro that almost is dying. Besides that I`d have spent as much money on an iMac plus a NAS so I have more power now but don`t get the screen I wasn`t after anyway (well the size would have been nice but glossy is so not cool lol).

Signing off now the Mac Pro will arrive lots of work to do. Wait is finally over although the result is a bit different to what I was expecting :D

Cheers guys, good luck with your orders...hope it will be better for you than it was for me :)
I ordered a 2.8Ghz quad core on Nov 21st from MacMall and mine shipped today. I'm waiting on the UPS tracking to update so I can find out when it will be here. The lady that called me on the phone earlier to let me know it had shipped said it would be 2 days.

Ordered my i7 on Nov 20th from MacMall, still no shipping info. :(
Ditto! I ordered my i7 from MM on 11/14, and got the tracking # last night. It arrives Friday. Now I just hope I don't have any of the issues others have been reporting so far.

Same here. Ordered an i7 11/14 from MacMall and they called to tell me it shipped last night. Also was told the next batch of i7s would be in mid-late next week.
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