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I think you have your wires mixed up, I been asured by 2 supervisors (which I have the convo recorded also for my own record) where they have stated it's $160x2 as it's paid in 2months. Either way I think it will be right if it's going to show differently (which I do doubt) I'll simply call consumer affairs and show the proof of the recording and just pay the $160x2.

I am agreeing with you that if you pay it off early you just pay the $160 x2 penalty.
The $3800 (total) i am referring to is if you let it run the full course of the 24 months.

As you intend to pay it off within the interest free period you would just pay the normal penalty, so we agree! Sorry must have lost something in translation.
Argh this is painful

While it's great to see everyone getting quick turn arounds direct from Apple now, it's also a little painful :(

I'm kind of stuck with my i7 reseller order now (from MacAlert), since I'm heading away for 10 days from 23rd December, and getting a refund processed and having it shipped from Apple well before that time is not guaranteed. I also don't see the point in having a shiny new computer for a week tops, and then having it unattended for that long.

So I'm in this one with you Dronus. The thing I'm worried about most is a DOA, cracked screen, or yellow tinged screen. I'd hate to think what the reseller turnaround for a replacement might be, after already waiting 2 months by the time mid january arrives. Fingers and toes crossed!

Enjoy your machines guys. I'm sure they're amazing!! I popped into NextByte today to check out my future 27inch screen (on a C2D), and may have left traces of drool on the case somewhere ;)
I'm kind of stuck with my i7 reseller order now (from MacAlert), since I'm heading away for 10 days from 23rd December, and getting a refund processed and having it shipped from Apple well before that time is not guaranteed. I also don't see the point in having a shiny new computer for a week tops, and then having it unattended for that long.

So I'm in this one with you Dronus. The thing I'm worried about most is a DOA, cracked screen, or yellow tinged screen. I'd hate to think what the reseller turnaround for a replacement might be, after already waiting 2 months by the time mid january arrives. Fingers and toes crossed!

Enjoy your machines guys. I'm sure they're amazing!! I popped into NextByte today to check out my future 27inch screen (on a C2D), and may have left traces of drool on the case somewhere ;)

Howdy, yep sounds like a plan. I guess you could also ask the guys to check out your imac if it arrives while you are away - if there is any problems with it they can send it back or repair it etc before you pick it up.

I drive past there everyday, must drop in and say gday one day :)
Finally got mine setup tonight and unfortunately a nice yellow tinge towards the bottom of the screen :(
Probably just keep it though, I haven't decided yet. How about the others that received theirs today?
Hey all.

Motegi - we've finished installing your SSD. Works beautifully. Your machine rocks.

Everyone else - I would highly encourage you to send messages to the ACCC concerning the delivery of iMacs if you haven't received one yet.

Apple has plenty of machines to go around but is ONLY fulfilling orders placed directly with them either via the online store, Apple phone orders or at the Apple Stores in George Street or Chatswood. They will not supply ANY resellers with machines until the 1st or 2nd week of January.

Everyone - if you have an order with a reseller you will not receive a machine until early next year. Apple's practices of not supplying resellers are underhanded attempts at putting Australian businesses offside with their clients. We are all doing the best we can to get the machines to reseller clients as soon as possible. My location has even gone to the effort of buying machines from Apple USA and having them shipped to Australia so we can try and take care of people before Christmas.

Good luck to everyone still waiting.
Hey dronus.
Just wanted to see whats going on with your iMac. Any info from your DJ's store?

Well, I called mine on Monday and requested that the Apple Rep called me because I basically wanted to catch him out on his lies. The guy gave him my name and number, and said he will call. He didn't.
Today, I got a call from the DJ's staff member I spoke to on monday. He said that he rep was 'too busy to call me' and that basically 'I wouldn't be getting my machine till mid to late January'. AND to top it off, the reason the people on the online store are getting them early is because the online store deals with stock from California (Lie??) and they get first dibs.
Like, am I not good enough for Apple to just make one machine (and yours too :) ) just because I want to pay it off in instalments. I'm a uni student, with a part time job that doesn't allow me to throw $3000 down in one heap.

Anyways. What I really wanted to say was, are you going to ask for compensation. I don't want to sound like someone who wants things for free. But, we have been stuffed around by Apple and I think they should pay...
Hey dronus.
Anyways. What I really wanted to say was, are you going to ask for compensation. I don't want to sound like someone who wants things for free. But, we have been stuffed around by Apple and I think they should pay...

I have lodged an official complaint with DJ's, asking them to forward it to Apple (Im sure they wont). I have also asked to speak to the Apple rep but they never call you back.. If you show Apple that you know about their LIES they will simply noshow.. I have asked to have a constructive discussion with all parties involved but it would seem that "they have everything under control" which is a load of BS.

Mac.Tank said:
Apple has plenty of machines to go around but is ONLY fulfilling orders placed directly with them either via the online store, Apple phone orders or at the Apple Stores in George Street or Chatswood. They will not supply ANY resellers with machines until the 1st or 2nd week of January.

Seemingly the people who are being dodgey are Apple. We have seen time and time again that Australian online orders are being built in Shanghai and shipped to Australia, often within a week; yet when we ask why resellers orders are not being shipped they say it is either due to a lack of parts (BS), backlog in production (BS), or the reseller hasnt placed the order (BS). thats a whole load of BS.

If you call crapple they say you have to speak to your reseller (copout). you speak to your reseller they say they dont know anything as apple has not told them anything. From a customers point of view this is unacceptable.

I will not do what apple wants me to do and cancel my order to order directly through them. I will not change my shopping habits to by directly from a company that is determined to alienate and deny stock to its resellers. If i cancel my order down the track it will be the last order i make to apple. Thats for any of their products, and ill make sure that everyone i know hears about how they conduct their business.

As far as compensation goes - where do you draw the line. Should the reseller cop me asking for a 10% discount, free apple care or a store voucher? I hardly think that is fair. Its not their fault apple are being arseholes and not sending them stock.
I would insist that if there was any compensation it came from apple, from that very rep who doesnt even have the decency to return your phone call. You have to remember that it might not be that Apple reps fault, but he/she has the power to escallate this to his channel partners, and motivate someone there to push this further, asking questions. Ultimately it is the apple reps job on the line.. no sales to his resellers = no job for him.

It shouldnt matter what payment methods you arrange with the reseller - Apple gets paid in full when the order ships anyway.
Everyone else - I would highly encourage you to send messages to the ACCC concerning the delivery of iMacs if you haven't received one yet.

Apple has plenty of machines to go around but is ONLY fulfilling orders placed directly with them either via the online store, Apple phone orders or at the Apple Stores in George Street or Chatswood. They will not supply ANY resellers with machines until the 1st or 2nd week of January.

Everyone - if you have an order with a reseller you will not receive a machine until early next year. Apple's practices of not supplying resellers are underhanded attempts at putting Australian businesses offside with their clients. We are all doing the best we can to get the machines to reseller clients as soon as possible. My location has even gone to the effort of buying machines from Apple USA and having them shipped to Australia so we can try and take care of people before Christmas.

Good luck to everyone still waiting.

Howdy, thanks for all the info. Its resellers like yourself who try and help out the customers in the face of adversity that deserve our respect.

One question, it has been mentioned elsewhere that as the agreement for supply is between the reseller and apple that any ACCC claim has to originate from the reseller. I would value your thoughts on this.
Finally got mine setup tonight and unfortunately a nice yellow tinge towards the bottom of the screen :(
Probably just keep it though, I haven't decided yet. How about the others that received theirs today?

Bugger, i wonder if they would ship a new one straight away? Someone else mentioned that they reinstalled the OS and it was either fixed or got better?
I might try and re-install the OS tonight and see how it goes, but I think it is more hardware related by the looks of it (and the other multiple threads about it on the net!).
My Mrs thinks I'm imagining it and reckons she can't see any problem with it.
I'm pretty sure it's not just me :D
I'll see how I go over the weekend and go from there. Does anyone know if I just deal with it for x months and then Apple resolve the issue with newer builds, would I just be able to take it into an Apple store to be repaired then or do I have to let them know about it now? I've got Apple Care too, so hopefully sometime in the next 3 years, they'll resolve the issue. :confused:
Delivered! I just set it up at work to check it out and it seems to be ok, I think I see a little bit of a yellow tinge but I'm not sure if I'm being paranoid or not.


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Just got a call from someone at the ACCC.

Basically Apple are within their rights to make a commercial decision to supply stock to who ever they want, and previous supply does not even mean they have to continue to supply.

They are more likely to go after the resellers for offering a product that they can't supply. and I stressed that David Jones had not done anything wrong.

He mentioned that they have a court case at the moment against an online site, for advertising stock that they could not supply.

All they have done is entered the complaint in their database to see if there is a pattern of behaviour developing.

He also said that this behaviour by Apple has not left the consumer with no other product to buy, whether it be another Apple product or Pee Cee

So what they are saying is that its legally OK to do what they are doing.
For the small amount of people left with resellers orders surely filling them and keeping a good name is better than losing them altogether?
People recieving orders within a week? Come on Apple fair go!

Time to call DJ's again, although im not holding my breath for anything good to come of it.
Delivered! I just set it up at work to check it out and it seems to be ok, I think I see a little bit of a yellow tinge but I'm not sure if I'm being paranoid or not.

I have just booted up my 21.5" imac. i think i can see a slight and faint yellow strip at the bottom when i have a textedit page open at full-screen. seems to come on after the screen has been on for about an hour or so to warm up. wasn't there when i tested at the apple store :rolleyes:

I have yet to open up my 27" i7 to check that screen as well
Well I received mine today (only 6 days form ordering directly form Apple after cancelling my Myer order)...

My excitement was short lived though as I've discovered a stuck red pixel on it. It is SMALL thanks to the very high pixel density but I now know it's there :(

So holding off on installing any software while contemplating whether to risk replacing it or live with it...

what a bummer...all that angst over the last few weeks with my reseller order wait then to anticlimax with a silly small thing as a dead pixel :(

Question: If I do request a replacement, does Apple send the new one first and then I send the old one back or they want the oold one first?
Question: If I do request a replacement, does Apple send the new one first and then I send the old one back or they want the oold one first?

they want the old one back first usually.

how did you use to do the pixel test? - pixel check / pixel tester?

also where is the dead pixel located, and how many? i think apple on replace if its dead centre and there is a cluster of about 4/5 or more. maybe try massaging it, though difficult with a piece of glass in front! easier on the matte screens
they want the old one back first usually.

how did you use to do the pixel test? - pixel check / pixel tester?

also where is the dead pixel located, and how many? i think apple on replace if its dead centre and there is a cluster of about 4/5 or more. maybe try massaging it, though difficult with a piece of glass in front! easier on the matte screens

Yeah did one of those online pixel testers. Found a stuck red one about 5cm from bottom of the screen (so nowhere near centre) and a small black dot on the far right of the screen (looks more like spec of dust under screen).

I ran a stuck pixel fixer piece of software but it didn't fix it..

I really want to accept it and move on but with all these other fellow nerds getting perfect macs and advising me not to accept I'm feeling uneasy keeping would probably affect any potential resale later
My i5 imac status has just changed to "prepared for shipment".

Does this mean I should be getting a TNT tracking number soon?

Does the email from Apple have the serial number on it so that you can work out what week production the imac is from?
My i5 imac status has just changed to "prepared for shipment".

Does this mean I should be getting a TNT tracking number soon?

Does the email from Apple have the serial number on it so that you can work out what week production the imac is from?

When did you place your order?
LOL thats how I feel to. Plans for next year do include an SSD.
I think I will be able to sneak that one by my wife without a problem. New camera body......much tougher.
the money can be saved up easily enough (over a few months in my case), its the fact that for SSD you lose the space that you would get with a mechanical HDD - thats where im not very keen. 1TB 3.5" SSDs are out, but they are ~$3K US. so no thanks!
Anyone know if TNT use their own aircraft to ship imacs between Shanghai and Sydney? Or do they put them on commercial flights?

There's only one daily QF130 service from Shanghai to Sydney. Maybe that's why there are delays at Shanghai.
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