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Just got off the phone with Apple. They will be replacing my week 49 iMac 27" (received yesterday with bonus yellow tinge!). I was actually willing to hold onto it until they had sorted the issue but they pushed me to get it replaced. Fingers crossed the replacement has no issues!
Just got off the phone with Apple. They will be replacing my week 49 iMac 27" (received yesterday with bonus yellow tinge!). I was actually willing to hold onto it until they had sorted the issue but they pushed me to get it replaced. Fingers crossed the replacement has no issues!

Any chance of posting a photo of the yellow tinge?
Any chance of posting a photo of the yellow tinge?

yeh please post a photo. my 27" i7 is a week 49 machine as well. i hope it doesn't have any yellow tinge issues, yipes! fingers, toes, arms, legs and eyes crossed :D
My i5 just went to "prepared for shipment". What week would it be? Is it safe to assume week 50?
Yeah did one of those online pixel testers. Found a stuck red one about 5cm from bottom of the screen (so nowhere near centre) and a small black dot on the far right of the screen (looks more like spec of dust under screen).

I ran a stuck pixel fixer piece of software but it didn't fix it..

I really want to accept it and move on but with all these other fellow nerds getting perfect macs and advising me not to accept I'm feeling uneasy keeping would probably affect any potential resale later

if it truly bothers you then call Apple. otherwise be happy :)
I ordered my i7 three weeks ago through Domayne. I called them today to check ETA. The store said Apple told them "some time in January".

So yeah, same story.

My Apple remote shipped, and is now in DJ's hands in Adelaide... this is the first change to my status since October...

Electronically Lodged 09/12/2009 12:02:45 Chullora SYS
Collected-Cust Premises (CIT) 09/12/2009 18:00:08 Chullora SYS
Sighted in Depot 09/12/2009 19:43:14 Chullora SYS
Frt loaded on linehaul 09/12/2009 20:14:42 Chullora SYS
Paperwork Printed at Depot 10/12/2009 06:30:10 Adelaide EXP
Sighted in Depot 11/12/2009 05:48:30 Adelaide EXP
On Board For Delivery-Full 11/12/2009 08:45:51 Adelaide EXP
Delivered in Full 11/12/2009 09:27:37 Adelaide EXP

Wonder if the imac is coming soon???

*edit* Had a phone call from an excited DJ's rep telling me that my order had arrived. He said that the remote was stuck on the outside of the box, and only one had arrived and it was for me...

I asked to go check to make sure that it is my QC, after a few minuites he confirmed that it is my remote, but it was a C2D for someone else, so not my QC... dang, and i was nearly running out the door to go pick it up...
Friday I got a call I could hardly believe. My quad core was on it's way From Sydney and I'd have it soon.:D

So I've had a few days of excitement.
Tuesday two machines arrive but not mine.:rolleyes:
Wednesday nothing. A little worried. I hope my quad hasn't been commandered in the system.:confused:
Thursday nothing. More concern and now phone calls. Confirmation that something has gone wrong and they're trying to sort it.:(
Friday another phone message left for me.
Yay it's finally arrived. I ring through to find out when I can pick it up.
Talk to the friendly people.:)
Advised my machine has been damaged in transit and is being replaced.:eek::mad::confused::(:eek::p:mad::eek:
Huge apologies and more apologies.
No quad. :eek:

I can say "It is better to have not received it than to have had your hopes raised and dashed and being left broken and shattered on the floor realising there is going to be a long wait".

I won't be posting for a bit. I'm off for therapy. :p

Ssshhh. Keep quiet. I'm trying to count to 10. (100. 1,000. 10,000.):cool:
Friday I got a call I could hardly believe. My quad core was on it's way From Sydney and I'd have it soon.:D

So I've had a few days of excitement.
Tuesday two machines arrive but not mine.:rolleyes:
Wednesday nothing. A little worried. I hope my quad hasn't been commandered in the system.:confused:
Thursday nothing. More concern and now phone calls. Confirmation that something has gone wrong and they're trying to sort it.:(
Friday another phone message left for me.
Yay it's finally arrived. I ring through to find out when I can pick it up.
Talk to the friendly people.:)
Advised my machine has been damaged in transit and is being replaced.:eek::mad::confused::(:eek::p:mad::eek:
Huge apologies and more apologies.
No quad. :eek:

I can say "It is better to have not received it than to have had your hopes raised and dashed and being left broken and shattered on the floor realising there is going to be a long wait".

I won't be posting for a bit. I'm off for therapy. :p

Ssshhh. Keep quiet. I'm trying to count to 10. (100. 1,000. 10,000.):cool:

Dang yep that would have been shocking! Who did you order though again?
Interesting - on the mactalk forums they are indicating that you can find out which week build your imac is my the second set of numbers in your order number.
Mine is W5752**** so maybe mine will be built in week 52? id be interested to hear what are the rest of you DJ guys order numbers starting with (first 4 numbers)
I just got an email from Apple my i5 has shipped.

When i had a look at the tracking number at TNT it said this:

Collected-Cust Premises (CIT) 11/12/2009 11:56:50 Sydney Mas. PRI
Electronically Lodged 11/12/2009 13:03:24 Sydney Mas. PRI

Why is it not coming directly from China??? It's coming from Sydney.
Apparently i5's are stock and come from a warehouse somewhere in Sydney

i7's are a BTO\CTO and come from the factory in China
Apparently i5's are stock and come from a warehouse somewhere in Sydney

i7's are a BTO\CTO and come from the factory in China

Why did it take 10 working days for them to ship? I hope I am getting at least a week 50 imac!
We are only in week 49 now - only 52 weeks in a year :)

Maybe Apple calculate the week batch differently because on the test site some say they have week 50
Apparently i5's are stock and come from a warehouse somewhere in Sydney

i7's are a BTO\CTO and come from the factory in China

Hence why the factory has been stocking up the Apple warehouses so that orders can ship sooner for stock items (online only of course)

My apple remote came from sydney.. Safely in the hold bay at DJ's :)
I ended up cancelling the second order with reseller and going direct with mac.

The dp to dvi adaptor came straight from sydney overnight. Mac is not yet shipped.

My Order Number is W5773****.

I doube the 3/4 numbers are week as there are definately not 73 weeks in a year.
Apparently i5's are stock and come from a warehouse somewhere in Sydney

i7's are a BTO\CTO and come from the factory in China

So that would mean if I have a yellow tinge issue, Apple could overnight me another i5 from Sydney?
Any chance of posting a photo of the yellow tinge?

As requested guys, here are some shots of the yellow tinge on my week 49 27" i7. You can see that when the grey bars are together at the top of the screen they look pretty much the same. However when dragged apart, the one at the bottom is clearly a more "yellowy" grey. :mad:


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As requested guys, here are some shots of the yellow tinge on my week 49 27" i7. You can see that when the grey bars are together at the top of the screen they look pretty much the same. However when dragged apart, the one at the bottom is clearly a more "yellowy" grey. :mad:

wowyes you can really see that thinge! how frustrating!! :(
I ended up cancelling the second order with reseller and going direct with mac.

The dp to dvi adaptor came straight from sydney overnight. Mac is not yet shipped.

My Order Number is W5773****.

I doube the 3/4 numbers are week as there are definately not 73 weeks in a year.

I agree, looks like it was just coincidence.. ohh well
Dang yep that would have been shocking!

While there has been a few ups and downs, I'm finally happy where I am at with Apple.

I've gone from PC to Apple and would have liked a smoother transition. I'm still happy with the decision I've made and the communication I've got to.

I'm looking forward to my quad.
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