Friday I got a call I could hardly believe. My quad core was on it's way From Sydney and I'd have it soon.
So I've had a few days of excitement.
Tuesday two machines arrive but not mine.

Wednesday nothing. A little worried. I hope my quad hasn't been commandered in the system.

Thursday nothing. More concern and now phone calls. Confirmation that something has gone wrong and they're trying to sort it.

Friday another phone message left for me.
Yay it's finally arrived. I ring through to find out when I can pick it up.
Talk to the friendly people.

Advised my machine has been damaged in transit and is being replaced.

Huge apologies and more apologies.
No quad.
I can say "It is better to have not received it than to have had your hopes raised and dashed and being left broken and shattered on the floor realising there is going to be a long wait".
I won't be posting for a bit. I'm off for therapy.
Ssshhh. Keep quiet. I'm trying to count to 10. (100. 1,000. 10,000.)