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macrumors 68000
Apr 25, 2017
Can't get it why people gets all worked up about the iPad. There are competent Macs around. Granted, the iPad is a very slick and modern piece of hardware compared to laptops which format was invented 30+ years ago.

Would Apple be happy with dual boot? Sure - it would be the perfect "Mac book air replacement" for Apple, with a price tag of $1546 instead of a similarly spec MacBook Air for $999.


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2022
This thread is hilarious. "This product doesn't do what I think it should do so we should sue" :rolleyes:
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macrumors regular
May 4, 2015
Can't get it why people gets all worked up about the iPad. There are competent Macs around. Granted, the iPad is a very slick and modern piece of hardware compared to laptops which format was invented 30+ years ago.

Would Apple be happy with dual boot? Sure - it would be the perfect "Mac book air replacement" for Apple, with a price tag of $1546 instead of a similarly spec MacBook Air for $999.
To be completely honest, I don't either anymore.

I don't mind talking about areas where the iPad and iPadOS could be improved. I have no problem theory-crafting how macOS on the iPad could be possible, even though I don't think it would be a good device for my use case and for most folks interested in the iPad. This doesn't apply to everyone who criticizes iPadOS, but whenever I see someone talk about iPadOS's limitations and how the hardware is "held back" by them, I see folks who despite having a functional Windows computer or even a Mac (which is even more silly due to Continuity) will wrestle with the iPad to the point of frustration to get it to be more like a Mac.

In the back of my head, I've been wondering if some of these folks saw the iPad and didn't simply see a "note taking or digital diary computer" or "comic book reader/hardware manual computer" or "sketching computer" but rather, they dreamed up some admittedly really cool sci-fi fantasy where their new iPad would be their ultimate computer that could be used for anything and anywhere. Which is sad for our frustrated dreamers, because I far as I can remember, even in sci-fi characters seem to use a combo of a tablet and desktop/laptop/super computer anyways.
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 4, 2020
Calgary, AB, Canada
Maybe I shouldn’t have been so frustrated with the operating system. I was happy with my iPad when I got it, but I personally feel like the software should have more flexibility on a device this expensive. I’m not asking for macOS on an iPad (that’s probably never gonna happen), but more like a happy medium that blends the best of both worlds (macOS and iPadOS), like a Pro mode for 2018 iPad Pros and newer (and 2020 iPad Airs onwards as well). The iPad was always meant to be like a middle ground between phones and desktops
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macrumors 68000
Jun 18, 2020
Odd how anybody wouldn't support what the og poster wrote. :oops:
The reason is because it’s a ridiculous, hyperbolic idea to launch a class action lawsuit because, effectively, the M1 iPads are, well, iPads and not MacBooks (or touchscreen macOS devices). It would be ridiculously hard to prove damages, a competent lawyer would be like “you could have read reviews before buying”, and the OP seems to be reading things into Apple’s marketing that just isn’t there. It would probably fail on the “reasonable person” standard. And, furthermore, there’s so much hyperbole about the iPad being held back or about how Apple shouldn’t have added the M1 to the iPad without bringing macOS to it or that there are no existing iPadOS workflows that could stand to benefit from the M1 (or the amount of RAM in the top configuration) on this very forum that a lot of us are just fed up with seeing yet another one in the toolbar on the front page. (That said, there’s a lot of stupid hyperbole on this forum in general.) I know myself that I clicked on it mostly just to see the OP’s class action lawsuit idea being shot down and mercilessly torn to shreds.
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macrumors member
Aug 30, 2016
There's tons of weather and calculator apps available for the iPad. Not sure why Apple should be taken to court because they don't provide an in-house version of these apps?


macrumors G5
Apr 24, 2016
There's tons of weather and calculator apps available for the iPad. Not sure why Apple should be taken to court because they don't provide an in-house version of these apps?

A court case is of course a weird demand, but feature parity to standard iOS would be nice. There’s an iPadOS weather widget, then just give us the damn weather app as well. Besides, plenty of the alternatives on the App Store are ad-ridden messes where the standard iOS version would be much preferred.


macrumors member
Dec 8, 2021
Suing is the only way to send a message, sometimes.

My favorite pizza place used to include bacon on my favorite pizza, but they stopped including it, and now you have to ask for it, and it is extra. Maybe I'll sue them.


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2021
It is a laptop replacement for many. My Dad (70 years old) moved from a 15" MacBook Pro that he could barely function on, to an iPad air that he's remarkably competent on. Making it worse for that use case, to compensate for your lack of research, would be a downgrade-- it would just be redundant to a Mac at that point.

My stepdad also. He has been a long-time Mac user but his 27” iMac died on him in 2018, and so then we got him an iPad. Unfortunately he also has Alzheimer’s, so he has slowly been going downhill but he still uses it for YouTube, web searches, and the occasional email. He is now 86.

There is a lot you can do with an iPad, but it is not meant to be a development machine or workstation. You could say that the Pro moniker is a bit of a marketing mishit because it is not meant to be a laptop replacement for Pro’s. It is meant to be a Pro tool, a Pro “iPad”.


macrumors regular
May 4, 2015
Maybe I shouldn’t have been so frustrated with the operating system. I was happy with my iPad when I got it, but I personally feel like the software should have more flexibility on a device this expensive. I’m not asking for macOS on an iPad (that’s probably never gonna happen), but more like a happy medium that blends the best of both worlds (macOS and iPadOS), like a Pro mode for 2018 iPad Pros and newer (and 2020 iPad Airs onwards as well). The iPad was always meant to be like a middle ground between phones and desktops
But the iPad has been and continues to be arguably Apple's most flexible computer. Depending on your definition of flexible.

For example, look at the possibilities for tabletop gaming. You can have an iPad Pro with the rulebooks and game books, dice/coin flip apps, note taking apps for score keeping. That would be clunky on a laptop.

What if you're a writer and you have constant ideas. Are you really going to want to run to your desktop to type out your ideas?

What if you work in construction/home repair, do you really want to bring your laptop on site to explain to your client what is going on?

What if you're a student and you are reading books about whatever subject but are constantly on the move. I think reading and highlighting on an iPad is much better than using your iPhone.

The point is, due to it's form factor and focus on areas that "traditional computers" don't do well in, the iPad is extremely flexible and it's cost would be well worth it. I'll happily admit iPadOS can improve, but I'm not really sure where else can it really go. The iPad for a number of users works great for the specific task they bought it for or even as their main computer.
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macrumors 6502a
Feb 16, 2017
As for all the haters saying I should never have bought the iPad Pro, I bought it to future proof myself and to use as a great drawing and note taking tablet as well as photo editing, and for the 120Hz display, but I’m not going to upgrade until Apple improves iPadOS significantly. That’s why I didn’t get the M1 iPad
I think you’re confusing who the haters are. You’re the one hating on a product because of your personal hopes for future upgrades that were never promised. Plus, you just pointed out why you bought an iPad. I just don’t understand the whole purpose of this thread. Don’t start a product bashing thread and call for lawsuits and then turn around and call everyone else haters. Please.

What I hope is NOT the case for your sake is if they do introduce higher end software that it isn’t limited to M1 or newer iPads. (Which could end up being the case).


macrumors 68020
Sep 19, 2010
So let me get this straight... you bought an iPad Pro which costs around $799+tax instead of a laptop. A device which arguably is meant as an extension of a laptop (akin to a very advanced pen & paper notebook), and now are complaining that it is not up to par with a dedicated laptop/desktop?

Me thinks you got the wrong idea of the iPad being a laptop replacement. If I were you, I would have instead used the cash you spent on your iPad and perhaps saved a bit more for a MacBook Air or the 13" Pro.
Exactly. It sounds like the iPad just doesn't work as the OP primary computer because of OS limitation, which were pretty much widely known when he bought it. It also sounds like the OP bought an iPad Pro in 2020 thinking that iPadOS 15 was going to solve these issues, and it didn't. I really don't see how this it ground for a lawsuit, but I guess a person can sue for anything.

My advice: Just sell the iPad Pro and get a MBA. If you still want a tablet, buy the much less expensive iPad 9 for light computing, reading, mark-ups, notes, and other tasks that the iPad does well.
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Mar 7, 2022
iPad is exactly what it needs to be. It is a consumption device. Always has been. Always will be. The tablet form factor does NOT have the potential some people fantasize about. Apple can keep adding pseudo professional tools to it, and making it more useful for people whose usage of a Mac is hanging on by a thread. Beyond that, it will never be what you think it could be, because it can't.

iPad is for watching video, and that hasn't changed much since day 1 of iPad, despite everything that has improved in iPad. Heck even when Apple released the M1 iPad Pro with the mini-LED display, they were asked in an interview why the 11" didn't get the same update...and they basically said they know how people use iPad, and it wouldn't have benefited from it, while dancing around the issue.


macrumors 601
Apr 15, 2019
iPad is exactly what it needs to be. It is a consumption device. Always has been. Always will be. The tablet form factor does NOT have the potential some people fantasize about. Apple can keep adding pseudo professional tools to it, and making it more useful for people whose usage of a Mac is hanging on by a thread. Beyond that, it will never be what you think it could be, because it can't.

iPad is for watching video, and that hasn't changed much since day 1 of iPad, despite everything that has improved in iPad. Heck even when Apple released the M1 iPad Pro with the mini-LED display, they were asked in an interview why the 11" didn't get the same update...and they basically said they know how people use iPad, and it wouldn't have benefited from it, while dancing around the issue.
Just a personal opinion presented as facts...


macrumors G5
Apr 24, 2016
iPad is exactly what it needs to be. It is a consumption device. Always has been. Always will be. The tablet form factor does NOT have the potential some people fantasize about. Apple can keep adding pseudo professional tools to it, and making it more useful for people whose usage of a Mac is hanging on by a thread. Beyond that, it will never be what you think it could be, because it can't.

iPad is for watching video, and that hasn't changed much since day 1 of iPad, despite everything that has improved in iPad. Heck even when Apple released the M1 iPad Pro with the mini-LED display, they were asked in an interview why the 11" didn't get the same update...and they basically said they know how people use iPad, and it wouldn't have benefited from it, while dancing around the issue.

That is certainly an oversimplification and there’s plenty users who do much more than consumption with their devices. Sweeping generalisations like “iPad is for watching video” is like saying iPhones are only used for phone calls.


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
The iPad was always meant to be like a middle ground between phones and desktops

So, your entire thread has been a pointless exercise then as you’ve just admitted you knew exactly what you were getting and you have used exactly what you expected.

So, remind me again on what grounds you think you have any sort of case against Apple?

”Oh Judge - I’m unhappy that Apple sold me exactly what I expected - can I haz a million bucks because now I want more”…
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macrumors member
Jul 31, 2021
So let me get this straight... you bought an iPad Pro which costs around $799+tax instead of a laptop. A device which arguably is meant as an extension of a laptop (akin to a very advanced pen & paper notebook), and now are complaining that it is not up to par with a dedicated laptop/desktop?

Me thinks you got the wrong idea of the iPad being a laptop replacement. If I were you, I would have instead used the cash you spent on your iPad and perhaps saved a bit more for a MacBook Air or the 13" Pro.
Apple in the past advertised that ipad was "laptop replacement".


macrumors 68020
Apr 5, 2021
What I hope is NOT the case for your sake is if they do introduce higher end software that it isn’t limited to M1 or newer iPads. (Which could end up being the case).

I think the iPad Pro hasn’t been limited by its processor for quite a while, even before it had the M1 upgrade it was already very capable. More processing power isn’t that enabling in most of these cases.


macrumors Core
Nov 14, 2007
1 Geostationary Tower Plaza
Maybe I shouldn’t have been so frustrated with the operating system. I was happy with my iPad when I got it, but I personally feel like the software should have more flexibility on a device this expensive. I’m not asking for macOS on an iPad (that’s probably never gonna happen), but more like a happy medium that blends the best of both worlds (macOS and iPadOS), like a Pro mode for 2018 iPad Pros and newer (and 2020 iPad Airs onwards as well). The iPad was always meant to be like a middle ground between phones and desktops

So basically your thread has been a pointless rant, as by your own admission you knew what you were buying beforehand.


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
So basically your thread has been a pointless rant, as by your own admission you knew what you were buying beforehand.
But they still feel that not only that they should be allowed to sue Apple, but also to have it classified as a class action lawsuit because....Grumble Grumble Apple Grumble
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