OK - Just to help with the emotional trainwreck that this thread is becoming.
- - I've called Apple about 5 or 6 times over the past 2 weeks, with the most recent call being about 5 mins ago. I've spoken to a different rep each time, and I've never heard one say anything about a delay, like some have said they were told by Apple reps on this thread. I, of course, am not completly sold that my order will ship on the 15th, but I don't think that we should assume anything else with out offical word from Apple....just a couple of newbies have said stuff like "sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but i just talked to Apple and they said that they know the MacBooks are being delayed" shouldn't mean anything. I don't think one rep knows more than another, and if the reps get any new information, they will all be informed about it. I would imagine that a rep would get in trouble giving out differnt info than what his co-worker in the ajoining cubicle is giving out. Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better, but Apple will take a HUGE hit if they don't ship by Wed.