It doesn't matter what any of those measurements say, you seem to be missing that point both on the Model S and 3. It just doesn't compete in the classes that you think it does. The Tesla's are just not that kind of vehicle. And what does measurements also not show is the comfort of the seating position. You could add a Toyota Camry as well and that has even more space than a TM3, but like the TM3 it just doesn't compete in that class. And if you use the same link as you did with a 3 series you see the 3 actually has more room in the back than the TM3 as well according to the stats. So it really is measurement and comparison that means nothing.
I get that you like your Tesla, no problem with that at all. But it is not a luxury class vehicle. And before you do a comparison, neither is my Polestar but I don't claim for it to be in such a class.
Again, I am only talking about size. I am not saying Model 3 is on par with luxury with 5 series/A6/E class. you are changing the goal posts again.
Class is SIZE not luxury. It is an actual definition. That is where you are mixing this up.
I never brought up luxury... Only size of vehicles.
Model S by overall size for how fascinating it goes around the track.
The 3 because of the size I was not getting in my 3 series, or my A4. This is why I was posting pictures of ROOM... Then I was told, it was the same size as an 3 series/A4/C class. I said no way, and then demonstrated by showing distance between front seat and back seat...
Vehicle size class - Wikipedia
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