@Relentless Power@4sallypat
I’m ruminating here about the Lighting and had lots of discussion last night. Did you put a $100 deposit down, and if so; did they give you an expected delivery estimation? (I’ve read that some people are predicted 2023 already.)
I’m thinking this might be the alternative for the Rav 4 Prime I’ve been talking about. We’re looking at the XLT or Lariat, extended range.
Yes, put the $100 reservation deposit on the day it launched.
With about 50-60% of reservations expected to convert into orders, I should be in line for the Lightning in 2022.
My Ford dealer where they are holding my $100 says I am in the top 10 list of customers who are allocated to purchase so it all depends on when we can place our order online (rumors say late this month or December).
Finding a Ford dealer that will not charge above MSRP (ADM) is tough - I had to pass 8 Ford dealers into the next county over to find one that will only charge MSRP.
My main reason: HOV Carpool exemption sticker to drive solo in a carpool lane for my daily commute.
Haven't decided on the base Pro or XLT trim....