I'd be curious to know how the others precondition their batteries for fast charging.Yes, you can do this and it says preconditioning but if you ever hear the difference between what that does and navigating to a supercharger, there’s some difference. When I navigate to a supercharger the car sounds like it’s about to takeoff 😂
I thought about getting this button setup because I hear it has lots of cool features. I’m not crazy about buttons, but I would like to have an easy way to pop open the glove compartment. I also hear you can make one switch between chill and normal driving modes. That would be occasionally convenient.
Yeah, the Tesla does a good job getting the interior warm and I suspect it does some precondition, but maybe not as much as preconditioning for supercharger
I think that would be a good use case. Also, if I didn’t want to set navigation, but knew you were headed to a supercharger. Just push a button and it’s on. I think part of it is because it’s not there so I want it. Tesla is very much like Apple in the sense of father knows best and here’s how it’s going to be. I don’t really dislike that but sometimes it’s annoying.
Supposedly the Performance 3 will keep the battery warmer for better performance.