It must be very different in Europe. I don’t know how insurance practices are involved over there, but here in the United States, most of the people I know around me, have probably been with there insurance agency for five years or more. And I suspect what happens is to keep your rates low, if you’re a ‘good driver’ with no traffic offenses, rank at a certain age where you’re less of a liability on the roadway and you’ve had no vehicle accidents, your insurance deductible/rates are relatively low.
The other reason I didn’t cross-shop insurance for a Tesla, some of these insurance companies will sell your information once they have your phone number/email, and I don’t trust their practices. So in that case, I just wanted to make it a ‘safe bet’ and stay with our current provider.
But yes, there doesn’t seem to be any loyalty to long with-standing customers, even though I think there should be in terms of more ‘tiered packages’, unfortunately there isn’t here either.