The reason no company or folks listen to people like myself, Tozovac, or the like is because society has deemed our opinions obsolete or not 'in the mainstream'. These days, companies don't exist to satisfy consumer demand, instead, they do something and we just take it and refuse to vote with our wallets. A lot of the complaints in this thread could easily have been solved by not buying the latest iPhone, Mac, or the like, just keep what you got and enjoy! If you still use a 3GS or 4 running iOS 6, DO NOT UPDATE!!!
Me, I switched to devices that have a UI I can stand, or in iOS, the use of my 'purchases' tab in the App Store has been stuck in the year 2012 since my last iPhone before my current 6S was a 4. Most of those apps are still compatible, and never got the iOS 7-ification, and haven't been updated (in many cases, the developer no longer exists or their app got pulled). There are also plenty of skeuo apps in the App Store as well.
I also disabled all updates on all devices (including Android, Windows 10, and so on) and enjoy everything the way I like it, and don't have to worry about needing to re-learn an app because they up and moved things around or hid them behind gestures which make no sense.
I also credit Jony Ive and Co. as getting me off the unsustainable consumerist bandwagon. My tech stops at 2019, but most of the stuff I use is from 2015-prior. As a vegan myself, I never liked the idea of replacing stuff that still works with another device which does the same thing, which wastes resources we have only so much of.
But what I don't grasp is why many folks feel things have to change when there are far more important things like bugs, security, and privacy to concern yourself with. Changing an app UI doesn't accomplish anything. Find a formula which works, and stay with it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
If more people actually voted with their wallet and stopped with the complacency, and just used what they love, Apple would lose $$$ and would go back in no time. But so long as we remain the complacent, 'we'll just get used to it' types, why would they change? they're not losing money! Companies are supposed to satisfy the customers, or they shop elsewhere. It's not our job to please the company. They exist for our needs, not us for their needs. Not sure when free market economics got reversed but whatever.