Hi Workoutdoors
First of all, I would like to thank you for making my absolutely number 1 app for my Apple Watch, by far my most used

and a strong reason for owning the watch.
I have an idea for additional training metrics, that it would be fantastic if could be included
I thus try to focus a lot on my running efficiency, being how much effort I use, to run a particular distance - e.g. pulsebeats pr. meter ... this can actually rather easily be calculated. I am also a huge fan of your rolling metrics, e.g. rolling pace 2.
Based on this, I would imagine it could e.g. be possible to calculate for the last minute run: number of meters divided by BPM ?
An additional suggestion could be the possibility for the user to create individual formulas for WOD, based on the metrics currently stored in WOD ?
I have actually also found an article more thoroughly explaining running efficiency factor, for further inspiration:
Monitor your Efficiency Factor in TrainingPeaks to ensure you are become a more efficient, and faster runner
I hope this might be possible in some future release of the app 🍀☺️
Kind regards, Henrik