I love this app! I'm using it daily and it's such a great experience.
However, I discovered a minor issue with displaying tracks/routes on the map.
I needed to draw a straight line on the map between two coordinates. No problem I thought. I'll create a track in Garmin Basecamp, export it to GPX and import it as a route to WorkOutDoors. I was surprised to see that when imported to WorkOutDoors the line wasn't straight anymore. I recreated the issue with coordinates I'm comfortable sharing here, and took a few screenshots. The workaround was to use my Garmin eTrex device instead.
Being a bit of a map nerd I'd like to be able to use WorkOutDoors for this sort of thing (and more, but it's a workout app so I understand why advanced map features isn't the number 1 priority). I'd gladly pay a resonable subscription fee for topographic OSM maps though, and wouldn't mind features such as sight and go (point in a direction, input a distance, get a straight line from current location to a point at that direction and distance), show a circle around a waypoint with a selected radius, POI, save current location as waypoint, select a point on the map and set as route destination, routable bicycle maps and stuff even though I'm not expecting any of it to happen except maybe for topo maps. Yes, I do have some Garmin Fenix envy when it comes to maps 😅
I'd also like to add that this app has helped me get a better sense of cities and locations I have visited thanks to the map and being able to see where I am in relation to things. I have several times noticed that some location I was interested in was just around the corner, and without this app and its map I would have missed it. Being able to load custom POIs in advance would be even better, but I'm still very happy with the app as it is now.
The track in Garmin Basecamp:
View attachment 1749324
The two waypoints in the track:
View attachment 1749325
The track displayed in the WorkOutDoors iPhone app:
View attachment 1749326
The track displayed on the watch:
View attachment 1749327