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Is there a way to get a timer on the pause screen? Example would be running 800 meters at mile pace and then wanting a two minute rest where you are walking or stretching. So you would not want it to be a recovery interval, but you do want to know when the two minutes of rest is up...

Is that possible? And if not, has it been requested ever?

The only app that I know that does that is the Nike Run Club app, but only if you select that you want a speed run.
No-one has ever requested it before that I can remember but it sounds a good idea. Maybe I need to add a Pause interval type? That way you could configure the way it ends: time, distance, hr below a certain level etc. I will have a think about it.
An option to start in a paused state sounds a good idea. The side buttons already resume by default, and generate haptic feedback so that you know it has resumed, so that would fit with what you want. I am tempted to add a "Start Paused" switch on the Open Workout screen, maybe above the "Countdown" switch.
As a software dev myself I figured this would be the simplest way to improve race day starts. A "Start Paused" switch is exactly what I had in mind. My only concern with this work around is the ET for the work out would start as soon as you click the Start button rather than when you unpause. So when uploading the data to Strava the "Elapsed Time" and "Running Time" would have a big discrepancy. In reality this isn't an issue, especially in a race which is really the only time this starting method would be used anyways.
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A "pause" interval would be awesome and would work perfectly cause then you could program it into the interval schedule. Thanks for looking into it.
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As a software dev myself I figured this would be the simplest way to improve race day starts. A "Start Paused" switch is exactly what I had in mind. My only concern with this work around is the ET for the work out would start as soon as you click the Start button rather than when you unpause. So when uploading the data to Strava the "Elapsed Time" and "Running Time" would have a big discrepancy. In reality this isn't an issue, especially in a race which is really the only time this starting method would be used anyways.

great idea.

Another proposal: have a workout type „Running Race“. This would allow to configure such behaviour and also - why I ask - for different screen configs. Had a very much reduced running profile on my Garmin for races.
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Is anyone on here willing to share any our your running screen configurations? There are so many options for data I feel like I am changing up my screens all the time. I am also interested in seeing what everyone uses for cycling and indoor cycling. Here are my running screens.
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I prefer to have one screen for "normal running" and if needed to work with manual laps I change the screen to screen with Int parameters. Additionaly two screens with "summary" -> HR zones and elevation data.


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Hi Ian, tell me please, any progres about new stryd beta ? I can't wait :cool:
It is coming along. I have connected to it and integrated most of the metrics throughout the app. I am part way through adding the ability to choose distance/pace/cadence from Stryd rather than the usual sources.

I have got slightly sidetracked after a couple of vision impaired users requested display formats with larger fonts. So that jumped to the top of my ToDo list (and to be honest gave me a break from Stryd). As a result I have added a 4th font size which is much larger. It also includes one layout where there is one very large field above one smaller but still large field, which allows a very large font for a metric, but is also quite useful for a large graphical metric above a smaller value (for example a heart rate graph above the current bpm).

I get bored of doing the same thing so I have also added a few other new features, such as a "back to start" alert (with the option to end automatically); new shake and crown gestures; new lat/long & UTM metrics; pool length in yards; ability to send workouts from the iPhone to the watch etc.

I am also working on topographic maps in the background and haven't decided yet whether to include them in the next version. I may just include them in the beta and see how things go.

So Stryd is getting there, but the new metrics have involved so much work throughout the app that I have got a bit bored/distracted and as a result it is taking a bit longer than I expected. Sorry about that.
In the iPhone app, when I set one of the rolling pace windows to 1 minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes, it sets the window in the Watch app to 1 mile. Miles / km's / seconds work just fine, but whatever I set in minutes becomes 1 mile.

iPhone XR / iOS 14.4.2 / WorkOutDoors 4.3.6
Apple Watch Series 6 44 mm / WatchOS 7.3.3 / WorkOutDoors 4.3.6

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In the iPhone app, when I set one of the rolling pace windows to 1 minute, 5 minutes or 10 minutes, it sets the window in the Watch app to 1 mile. Miles / km's / seconds work just fine, but whatever I set in minutes becomes 1 mile.

iPhone XR / iOS 14.4.2 / WorkOutDoors 4.3.6
Apple Watch Series 6 44 mm / WatchOS 7.3.3 / WorkOutDoors 4.3.6

View attachment 1755886
Sorry - that is a bug that I have already fixed in the code, so it will be fine in the next version.

The settings in the watch app should work in the meantime.
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have you thought about introducing a storm alarm ? The alarm would go on during a sudden change in pressure. The user could have a choice of several pressure difference settings. What do you think?
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have you thought about introducing a storm alarm ? The alarm would go on during a sudden change in pressure. The user could have a choice of several pressure difference settings. What do you think?
No-one has ever asked for that before. If a few people like the idea then I will may look into it in the future.

Off the top of my head I worry that it would be set off by other things that affect pressure, such as for example entering an enclosed lift when skiing etc.

I am hoping that Apple will offer free weather information to apps in the future, which may be more useful for that sort of alert.
@cfc Have you ever gotten a request to have the ability to name intervals on the iPhone app AFTER you complete the workout? I did a strength training workout this working and decided to take a "lap" every time I switched exercises so I could see me stats for that particular exercise. It had never occurred to me to use intervals for strength training... Anyway, after I was done, I thought it would be cool to be able to rename the intervals to the exercise I was doing.
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@cfc Have you ever gotten a request to have the ability to name intervals on the iPhone app AFTER you complete the workout? I did a strength training workout this working and decided to take a "lap" every time I switched exercises so I could see me stats for that particular exercise. It had never occurred to me to use intervals for strength training... Anyway, after I was done, I thought it would be cool to be able to rename the intervals to the exercise I was doing.
No-one has ever asked for that before but it sounds a good idea. I will bear it in mind the next time I am working on that area of the code. Thanks for the suggestion!
Is there any limit of gpx route size/long which can be transfered to watch?
I'm trying to upload longer router (about 73 km) to watch without success.

App on watch is open.
On phone app in "location" is stated "Sent to watch", not like in other router "on watch".
I was trying several times to "Send again" without luck.

With smaller routes there is no problem to upload and remove from watch
Is there any limit of gpx route size/long which can be transfered to watch?
I'm trying to upload longer router (about 73 km) to watch without success.

App on watch is open.
On phone app in "location" is stated "Sent to watch", not like in other router "on watch".
I was trying several times to "Send again" without luck.

With smaller routes there is no problem to upload and remove from watch
Please reboot both the watch and the iPhone and then try again. When there are communication problems between the iPhone app and the watch app then that is the best thing to try. Sometimes iOS and / or watchOS get confused and need restarting.

I have heard of routes of well over 2000 km being used so 73 km should be fine.
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Any chance or solution to sync the workouts also to different services like Polar Flow? Cheers!
No-one has ever asked about Polar Flow before. The app allows you to export GPX and TCX files which can be imported by most services (although I couldn't find that mentioned for Polar Flow).

It only offers automatic uploading to Strava, but every workout is saved to Apple's Health system, and there are are apps such as HealthFit and RunGap which can export from there to other systems. It looks like RunGap supports Polar Flow, so you may want to use that.
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I love RunGap and HealthFit. I use them both for different things.
Me too. I particularly like the way that HealthFit is gradually including more and more interesting analytical abilities in addition to the automatic workout uploading. There are loads of different graphs and statistics as well as fun stuff like heat maps and photos (although to be honest I also find the graphs and stats fun!). It is what Apple's Health app should be.
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Wow, I'm running for a year now and never heart about this app. It looks amazing. So I already bought it and can't wait for my first try.
I'm using stock Workout app for its speed but there are only few metrics at once.
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