OK. Might be the retina display then. I'm on a '11 Mini with a non-Apple, non-retina display.I'm on PB1 as well. I have a mid '12 rMBP.
Maybe the UI isn't optimized yet.
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OK. Might be the retina display then. I'm on a '11 Mini with a non-Apple, non-retina display.I'm on PB1 as well. I have a mid '12 rMBP.
Upgrading iTunes to a newer version and launching it for the first time makes some changes to the library file as well. Libraries touched by newer versions of iTunes are not compatible with earlier versions.
No, I'm not quitting OS X for good.
To clarify, from a linked post:
14A298i and I'm out. No more seed testing of Yosemite. Apple's abandonment of addresses and title bars is not acceptable. OS X design #fail.
– those two design aspects were amongst the reasons for me choosing to un-enrol. (Some of the other reasons are scattered elsewhere in public, but those things are off-topic from the current appearance of 14A298i.)
I will at least continue some support for other people's uses of the OS – friends; Mac users at work; online (mostly in Ask Different); and so on.
Nothing in what I wrote suggested Microsoft Windows.
No, I was calm.
Again: read more. And please be careful when quoting selectively for your own amusement.
Yes, this is a long topic – with links to relevant information – but that does not entitle you to mock people without properly reading what was written.
Express your own opinion about the software.
Please don't misrepresent the opinions of others.
i open the notification center (for the first time ever actually) to see they conveniently have the weather (it was an ugly day), calendar events (i have none) and my stocks all quoted out. Wow, AAPL is up! Except it is in some lime green and the text telling me by how much is bright white and impossibly thin and the exact same brightness as the green around it. Here I am a mid aged man with good eyesight squinting to read the text on my 27" LED Cinema Display. Should this be happening I had to ask myself?
The content was a great idea, the colors and font were obviously not. How could that make sense to anyone? It isn't really even an argument, just common sense. I don't mind removing 'realism' from the interface but then again I didn't hate it either but when your sales line is getting out of the way of the information we now have to be immediately aware of everywhere (might be the last time i open the notification center actually because i already knew the weather and my events and stock) then give me legible text in a color i don't need to strain my eyes and get a headache looking at. It isn't even a question of fashion. Basic usability should prevail.
Simple test... look at the following image for half a second and tell me what is the number in the third green box? Don't cheat and squint or look twice or for longer then half a second. Now do the same with the second image and tell me which was easier?
They updated notification center since that pic... they replaced the grey text with white text. On a retina display I can read that just perfectly fine. They need a bold text option for non-retina displays is enabled by default.
While I think that the default Yosemite skin is basically Technicolor cartoon crap, I like the look of the Notification center. I want a "dark mode" like that for Yosemite so I don't have to apologize to the world for how piss poor OS X looks.
That would be nice, having a real dark theme, rather than just 'dark mode', which comes off as being a nasty afterthought...
While I think that the default Yosemite skin is basically Technicolor cartoon crap, I like the look of the Notification center. I want a "dark mode" like that for Yosemite so I don't have to apologize to the world for how piss poor OS X looks.
It...is...a...BETA. could change drastically in the months left before the OS comes out?
mess. Zero consistency. What happened to consistency in the Mac OS? It used to be the poster child for good UIs
amateurish rather than classy, consistent, and polished like it should be. the Mac UI was superior.
inconsistencies such as the placement of the close, minimize, and zoom buttons, the way that the back and forward buttons are sometimes below the title bar and sometimes shoved up into the title bar (and sometimes actually move from one position to the other as a workaround), the poor system font choice which cant be changed, and the fact that more than a decade after OS Xs debut, the Finder, due to contradictions in its design goals, still forgets window view settings. And so much more.
I dont like to see the Mac crumble into the kind of inconsistent, tacky disarray which in the past always characterized Windows. I want OS X to be better than Windows, not translucent and flat just like Windows, not less consistent in its placement of UI elements. I want OS X to be so much better than Windows that it amazes me.
But nothing about Yosemite amazes me. It puzzles and disappoints me.
… As far as the proxy icon menu goes, you do get to the icon by clicking the address bar - but without any functionality. …
Major lack of consistency in Yosemite's UI, a shame... that attention to detail is all but gone from Apple's software nowadays![]()
after examples?
First example:
Why is the title bar present in only some windows?
Is the interface of that untitled window consistent with the interface of an untitled window of any other app?
Yosemite APIs allow you to merge your title bar and your tool bar
The allowance is misused by Apple.
Look at this naturally occurring Yosemite mess. One hundred percent Apple, by design.
Fugly messes such as that could not occur with the same apps in Mavericks.
The allowance is misused by Apple.
If a group was to design a desktop environment from scratch, would it be logical to design things in a way that allows such a crappy mashed-up overall appearance?
The appearance is certainly novel, but it's far less clear; far less functional.
Please know that there is nothing contrived about the shot above.
Yosemite looks not terrible, yosemite looks beautiful![]()
… If you have some other examples which clarify your point (maybe using standard Yosemite apps), I would be very interested in seeing them.
… apps like … Reminders, … Contacts, … Notes, … 100% consistent. Some … the title bar is completely absent and the window control buttons are integrated into one of the panels. Very consistent. …
I also don't care about Feedback Assistant, because its a one-time app and if it sucks, then let it. If you have some other examples which clarify your point (maybe using standard Yosemite apps), I would be very interested in seeing them.