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Sure, but people are allowed to tell you you're an idiot for saying that. That's their freedom.

Agreed :)

Design is not art. Design, like math, has rights and wrongs and art doesn't. Designers can be objective about design. Those who just think it's all about "how it looks" have trouble.

I basically agree... The rights and wrongs do change from era to era. We have conventions that we follow for "good design". The problem I have is that I find that a lot of people who profess to be UI designers focus more on the aesthetics of the design than the function of the design.

Making buttons flatter (to the point of not having visual cues showing that its a button) to be more "sexy" and "minimal" detracts from the usability. Or on the web when a website removes the underline and/or color from linked text. It looks "cleaner" but they are sacrificing usability.

I personally have fewer complaints about the design of Yosemite than I do with the design of iOS7 though.
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The rMBP was kind of a game changer. I know what you mean though and with Eddy Cue saying that he did, I'm feeling this is the year that Apple change the game again.

You're right, I meant more in the sense of very new products, like the iMac (1998), iPod (3 years later), iPhone (6 years later), Macbook Air (1 year later), and iPad (2 years later). It's now been 4 years without anything like that. I don't expect them to keep that up forever, thus the big changes to operating systems.
I think that what we are witnessing is the beginning of the end for Apple. I thinks Jobs preferences dominated the design of their products in the past and he made his preference for life-like features in the OS part of the package...and his stuff was loved.

This is obviously gone. Look at all the complaints in this thread, just look at them. There's always somebody complaining about something whenever a new update gets released, but it's usually stuff like "And now Word won't work" or "Now my external drive isn't recognized." Complaints are now directed at the very core of the user interface itself.

The party is over. There is more than enough evidence that iOS 7 wasn't particularly well received by actual users (as opposed to publishers who stand to gain Apple advertising dollars by falling in line and being a bunch of Rah-Rah boys) and if you look at this and other threads on other sites, it's clear that Yosemite is going ahead regardless of what users think of it. If I had to guess I would say about 50% of the users think it's stupid looking.

I'd have to agree with other posters. The OS is cartoonish and infantile looking. I have no intention of placing something like that on my system and looking at it all day - no intention at all.
I think it's clearly noticable that Steve had the last word in what gets released. He was a perfectionist in design things and he remains unreplaced. What we see now wouldn't have made it to the public. Just my impression.
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I think the days of Apple being a good company are now over. I think Jobs had a real "feel" for what people wanted and that's now missing. What I think we have is one of the following situations, or a combination of both:

1. One or two egomaniacs (Ive, Cook) running the company with no regard for users.

2. Wall Street investors pushing change in the hopes it will lead to better sales.

I suspect it's item 1. It seems virtually anyone that disagrees with Ive, regardless of how long they've been with the company or how good their work was gets fired, and fired quickly. He may be a great hardware designer but there are waaaaaaaaay too many complaints about Yosemite to be ignored.

Oh, man... This is absolutely hilarious! :cool:
One thing I notice, not just with MR but any forum on any subject, is people are more vocal when there is something they do not like. When everything is rainbows and unicorns, people are quiet and content. But when they see something they don't like, it's "grab your pitchforks and torches, it's digital angry mob time" and become very vocal.

An example with the iPhone is the screen size. During the 3.5" days, I'd see lots of new topics asking for larger screens. Like a new topic every day. Now with the rumored 4.7" and 5.5" screens coming, I see a lot of new topics asking for the smaller screens sizes. Those who wanted the smaller screens back in the day were happy, but now those same people are upset about larger screens. Reverse holds true for those who want larger screens. In other word's, haters gonna haters.

Having said all that, I loved iOS 7's design when it was shown at WWDC 13, and wanted to install and test the betas. I didn't and waited til the fall for final release. And now I can't wait for Yosemite. If I had a spare HDD, I would have signed up for the beta program.

This. Message boards are not a good indication of consumer preference. Most people who are happy with their purchase don't come to a place like this to rave about it. The best indication of whether people like something or not is sales. And in the last few quarters Apple has sold more phones than it ever has before. If iOS 7 was hated that much people wouldn't be buying new iPhones or iPads. Of course that doesn't mean everyone loves iOS 7 or everything about it. Personally I hope Yosemite's UI style makes it's way to iOS. If for no other reason so people quit complaining about iOS's lack of buttons.
Coming from someone who didn't really like (and still) isn't fully happy with the design of iOS 7/8, I actually really like Yosemite's UI as it represents a more refined and polished for Jony Ive's software design and with that being said, I hope to see the Yosemite UI carry over to iOS for future updates.
I think that what we are witnessing is the beginning of the end for Apple. I thinks Jobs preferences dominated the design of their products in the past and he made his preference for life-like features in the OS part of the package...and his stuff was loved.

This is obviously gone. Look at all the complaints in this thread, just look at them. There's always somebody complaining about something whenever a new update gets released, but it's usually stuff like "And now Word won't work" or "Now my external drive isn't recognized." Complaints are now directed at the very core of the user interface itself.

The party is over. There is more than enough evidence that iOS 7 wasn't particularly well received by actual users (as opposed to publishers who stand to gain Apple advertising dollars by falling in line and being a bunch of Rah-Rah boys) and if you look at this and other threads on other sites, it's clear that Yosemite is going ahead regardless of what users think of it. If I had to guess I would say about 50% of the users think it's stupid looking.

I'd have to agree with other posters. The OS is cartoonish and infantile looking. I have no intention of placing something like that on my system and looking at it all day - no intention at all.

So you're taking the posts of a small minority of Mac users on a site where complaints are by nature 100x more common and using that to reflect upon Apple as a whole? Are you in Congress?

The FACTS are that Apple's customer satisfaction rating has gone higher each year, outpacing everyone else in the industry. PC World, Laptop Magazine, JD Power, and others have shown the same results. If anything, Apple's gaining MORE traction rather than less traction with consumers. As for your iOS7 claims, the numbers once again prove you wrong. At WWDC this year, 87% of iOS users were running iOS7, once again proving that your opinion is lacking in factual evidence to support your claims.

What's worse about your post is that you seem to be saying "I hate it because so many people are complaining." rather than any actual evaluation of the products themselves. You're like the Business Insider guys that write content just to get page views without offering any logical, rational, of factually-based observations.
This is obviously gone. Look at all the complaints in this thread, just look at them.
For polarising changes such as this the discussion will always be dominated by the users that don't like it, as they're going to be more vocal about it; those that like the interface will be busy using it.

We saw the same thing with iOS 7; it was a very polarising change, but most people are fine with it in reality. Same is the case here with Yosemite.

You always need to remember that people complaining aren't always totally against something; for example I don't like the new folder icons of Yosemite, and would like a more graphite colour scheme for icons in general, but otherwise I love the new look. Hopefully once Yosemite has been out for a while someone will have made an icon pack that suits my needs, or I can find a way to make my own.
Those who don't like something being more vocal than those who actually like the same thing is actually something of a universal thing...

Remember hearing about a study they made years ago that concluded that on average a person told 10 times more people about negative experiences they've had with something than someone who had positive experiences with exactly the same thing.

Thus the proportions between people who are happy to those who are not happy is literally the last thing you should use to measure how good something is.
What I find really hilarious is that the same kind of people who were up in arms over how Metro was "forced" upon them in Windows 8 (as if you couldn't turn it off) are now fine with Apple shoving neon colors/thin fonts/frosted glass down their users throats.
We saw the same thing with iOS 7; it was a very polarising change, but most people are fine with it in reality.

It's not what I noticed. Everybody around me that I asked said it was a change for the bad, but everybody upgraded because of the new features and because Apps would require it. And most people knew in that time that I wasn't the one who you should say "Apple made a mistake here".

I'm not saying this will happen as much with Yosemite. As I said, globally I am happy with their job. But taking Time Machine's GUI apart (it was the most gorgeous thing I've ever used in my life and the interface got HUGE applauses back then), the Poof animation, the 3D Dock, the interface of Photo Booth, etc. was a huge mistake. It's like they're hating Forstall so much that they want to prove him wrong by any means. Give him credit where it's due for God's sake ! He was a king at designing software interfaces. Ive, on the other hand, should remain at designing hardware, that's his expertise.
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What is it with people not handling change... if you need the same crappy old experience, go back to Windows.

OOps, guess they ruined that with 8... not sure what to tell ya, but Yosemite is gorgeous.

What do you mean "go back" to windows? I have never had windows.

I'm quoting you because I think your avatar is what the finder icon should look like.

The icons are really well done otherwise, I'm impressed that they made everything flatter while keep depth and still making it feel like OS X, and not just OS X - iOS 7 style.

The folder icons are beyond terrible. All they had to do was take the current folder shape and flatten it. Whoever designed the folder icons should be fired immediately.

His finder icon was on the Apple website:
But they changed it, so it was going to be that icon.
You're not allowed to go into an art museum and say your 3 year old daughter could have made a better Pollock painting. I'm not gonna stand here and let you say that Apple's hundreds of engineers are idiots. Sorry dude.

Thank god there are people like you here.

See this post? See this statement? Some logical and critical thinking here.

See the OP? Band-wagon-anti-change-hipster-style-******** with ZERO critical thinking.

And you know what? It's just plain old straight up ****ing annoying.
Thank god there are people like you here.

See this post? See this statement? Some logical and critical thinking here.

See the OP? Band-wagon-anti-change-hipster-style-******** with ZERO critical thinking.

And you know what? It's just plain old straight up ****ing annoying.

Someone has their panties in a wad...
Someone has their panties in a wad...

This forum is a true calamity.

On one side, fantastic, smart, helpful and insightful thinkers who are here to help and discuss Apple and it's products with all the introspection you could ask for.

On the other side it's just unless, no help, no critical thinking, band wagon hating on change and Apple for hate sakes rubbish.

Hardly see an middle ground. It's crazy.
Are you for real? Immediately accepting anything Apple throws at you is "critical thinking"? Doubting some of the changes is "hating on change"? Stay in school, kid.
Are you for real? Immediately accepting anything Apple throws at you is "critical thinking"? Doubting some of the changes is "hating on change"? Stay in school, kid.

You seem to have extracted that from thin air. Not sure why you think I immediately accept anything Apple throws at me.

Doubt the UI all you want, just bring a real goddam argument to the table instead of this "wine wine like a screaming child" I don't like it simply because I don't like it attitude.

I've been using 10.10 since day 1 DP1. I've been using it as my daily driver on my rMBP as best I can. So far, it's been pretty good.

I fired up Mavericks, and dam. Does that finder look old. Dam, does that Safari look old. Dam, does that dock look old. Dam, do those toolbar menus look bloated.

But you know what else? Dam, do those folder icons look fantastic.

I'm not accepting anything Apple throws at me, I'm just actually using it and actually trying it for what it is before making a call on it's usability, functionally and general feel.

See, now I'm annoyed. Dudes like you, no help. I bet you're a general pain in the ass at your job as well. Am I the one on this forum making threads like "YOSEMITE LOOKS TERRIBLE!!!" or "APPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING" or any of the other general terrible 14 year old child threads the board is filling up with? No. I'm ****ing not. You clown.

I'm asking about RAM usage in 10.10 DP3. Asking legit questions for a legit discussion on something that actually matters. The longer you hold onto your ideals on how a UI should look, the more you'll lag back, the more you'll miss out on.
The main thing i don't like about Yosemite is the font. I don't know if it's a problem with non-retina screens (i use a MacBook Air) or what. On the Apple's Yosemite demo video and screenshots it doesn't look as horrible as on my machine.
What I find really hilarious is that the same kind of people who were up in arms over how Metro was "forced" upon them in Windows 8 (as if you couldn't turn it off) are now fine with Apple shoving neon colors/thin fonts/frosted glass down their users throats.
iOS 7/8 looks much more like Windows Phone than Yosemite does like Windows 8.
Are you for real? Immediately accepting anything Apple throws at you is "critical thinking"? Doubting some of the changes is "hating on change"? Stay in school, kid.
I'm not sure it's about blindly accepting what Apple says or does; clearly Yosemite is going to be a somewhat polarising change, however it's not like Apple has fundamentally broken any behaviours, it's still a largely visual-only change. The point is that some people seem to be overreacting like the OS has been ruined, which I think even the most critical analysis will show isn't the case at all.

I think for the majority of people the change will go fairly unnoticed, as functionally everything is largely the same. After all, style-wise Yosemite's new look isn't dissimilar from the transparent menu bar that we've now had for a while, but with the added bonus of a dark mode for those that prefer it; I know some people never liked the transparent menu bar (personally I like it), but the more refined look and dark mode option ought to help the change to be accepted by more people.

Sure, there will be people that don't like the new fonts, don't like the new aesthetic, don't like the choice of icons etc., but then there are people who feel that way about Mavericks. I just don't think there are going to be many people who don't like anything about the new OS; while they they may be vocal, I think most people will find something they like, or at least won't find the experience to be any worse.
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See, now I'm annoyed. Dudes like you, no help. I bet you're a general pain in the ass at your job as well. Am I the one on this forum making threads like "YOSEMITE LOOKS TERRIBLE!!!" or "APPLE DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING" or any of the other general terrible 14 year old child threads the board is filling up with? No. I'm ****ing not. You clown.

First off, you make assumptions about others' jobs when you know nothing about them.

Second, you're the one POSTING in these kind of threads, doesn't matter if you're the OP or not.

Third, insults are not welcome here. Please find some other forum to spew your nonsense because MacRumors is for civil people (regardless if their opinion is ridiculous or not). The next time you insult anyone I will report you.
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