Snow Leopard may have the most stable release of OS X ever, with Lion being the worst.
Tell that to everyone who lost data on 10.6.0
Snow Leopard may have the most stable release of OS X ever, with Lion being the worst.
I present you Comic Sans Yosemite Mode …
Can I ask why this thread has been stuck?
I guess, partly to avoid duplicate/triplicate topics and so on. And so that likers/lovers of the looks don't rush to argue in the 'looks terrible!' topic without realising that they can (more easily) agree in a 'beautiful' topic. And so on
This person's not happy.
it isn't ****ing ugly.
Tell that to everyone who lost data on 10.6.0
how do you manage to do that? mine doesn't
There was a lot of discussion early on in this thread about deviation from or adherence to the Apple Human Interface Guide, but all we had were documents up to Mavericks.
Well Apple published the following, for Yosemite.
You may need a developer login to open this URL, I assume most here do. Anyway, I hope this gives a better insight into the reasoning behind all these changes.
I am not so hot on a lot of decisions Apple made with UI design in Yosemite but I am glad Apple still has the discipline to document their reasoning and give guidance to developers.
So enjoy. Its a lot to digest.
I am glad Apple still has the discipline to document their reasoning and give guidance to developers.
What is there to digest anyway...? It's just Apple's convenient game to change the rules and shut the detractors up... Like you succinctly put it, to change from deviation to adherence... It's nothing but a bunch of "you should do this" and "you should do that"...
Do you comprehend the definition of opinions? Yosemite and iOS 8 look fan-****ing-tastic. What will you do about that huh? You CAN'T change my opinion, and don't try doing so.
Then revert to 10.6 no one is forcing you to use the most feature filled OSX. You can always use 10.6, despite how damn ugly it is.If we're adding *'s then I'll just say this.... Sweet ********** Christ!!! Where did I try to change YOUR opinion? I stated that I find it hideous looking and that we shouldn't need to be told to adjust to something and we'll eventually "come around to liking it". When did I try to change what you thought of it? I couldn't give 2 craps what your thoughts of it are.
I've now added the CORRECT system font back along with adding the better looking old Mavericks & iOS 6 icons to improve the look a little bit but it still looks absolutely disgusting.
And as an added bonus I see one of my biggest peeves from iOS 7 & iOS 8 have now made it's way to Yosemite too (fantastic)! Every time I reboot my phone I have to go in and reset all my notifications because they reset their order to the default and resets everything back to "banner" notifications instead of the "alerts" that I set them to.
Yosemite is now doing this as well. Every time I reboot the Mac I now have to go into the notifications and change it from "By Time" back to "Manually", reorder everything in the list to the order I want them listed, and then change them all back from "banners" to "alerts". Why does Apple insist on using banners? Absolutely useless. And yes I have gone to the Apple site & notified them of the issue.
I will probably roll back to Mavericks.
it looks very different on my endThe sidebar in Safari has some of the most blurry, jagged text this side of Windows XP.
Try this simple method:
Just copy these fonts on Library/Fonts. Huge difference for me.