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For those who participated in the beta, did it run better that the GM?(differences in speed/battery)

  • Yes, betas were better.

    Votes: 54 24.8%
  • No, same performance, or GM is better.

    Votes: 164 75.2%

  • Total voters


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
I usually check around the forums and Reddit to see how people are experiencing iOS versions.

Apple is known for releasing a crappy, unoptimized version of iOS in the fall and progressively making it more performant throughout its life cycle. Once the .2 or .3 version hits, one can expect decent performance. It's then when you should consider upgrading (if you want the least amount of issues).

Course, with automatic updates it's tempting to upgrade in the fall.
Often enough even the x.1 update is already in petty good shape for most.


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
I usually check around the forums and Reddit to see how people are experiencing iOS versions.

Apple is known for releasing a crappy, unoptimized version of iOS in the fall and progressively making it more performant throughout its life cycle. Once the .2 or .3 version hits, one can expect decent performance. It's then when you should consider upgrading (if you want the least amount of issues).

Course, with automatic updates it's tempting to upgrade in the fall.

"apple is known for"... where does that info come from? but yes, always base your decisions about anything and everything on what reddit users have to say... :D


macrumors 65816
Dec 16, 2010
Can someone explain this?

(note the hint of sarcasm)

The animations probably use more resources so it makes sense that the older phone is a hair slower, and by turning them off they seem to be closer in speed. Nothing to see here move along.
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macrumors regular
Jul 28, 2017
I don’t agree with most of you. My iPhone 6 has a performance iOS 10-like. Maybe a little bit worse. But.... what do you expect from a phone 4 years old?????!!!!! No one can tell that...

About the performance. Don’t you think that if the problem affects some iPhone 7 (almost ultimate model) and even some iPhone 8 (exactly the last model) it could be a bug or problem to be solved and not an evil marketing strategy??? Why Apple would want to angry all of its customers? Remember that there are no model without performance issues.... is it a big fail? Yes, EPIC. I don’t remember another iOS with this poor ratio of adoption, neither with so much issues about performance. But we should wait, and be patient. IMO Apple did it bad with 2017 iPhones portfolio, iOS 11 and its integration with supported devices. I insist, be patient. iOS 11.0.1 is already here. And next updates will solve the problems little by little, trust on Apple.
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macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2014
The artificial slow down that I try to bring up sparingly but get slammed down quickly by iFans. This use to happen to all of my iPads and it became unacceptable. Another reason why I haven't went back to iOS.

My girlfriend's iPhones slow down too but she is stuck in the iOS ecosystem and can't imagine leaving. I just got her a iPhone 8 plus and she is loving the speed improvements since her 7 plus did have some lag and stutter issues.
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macrumors 6502
Dec 25, 2016
The artificial slow down that I try to bring up sparingly but get slammed down quickly by iFans. This use to happen to all of my iPads and it became unacceptable. Another reason why I haven't went back to iOS.

My girlfriend's iPhones slow down too but she is stuck in the iOS ecosystem and can't imagine leaving. I just got her a iPhone 8 plus and she is loving the speed improvements since her 7 plus did have some lag and stutter issues.

There is no artificial slow down. Find me a line of code that proves this. I don't know how some of you use your phones but there shouldn't be any difference between a 7 or 8 plus.


macrumors 603
May 1, 2013
I don’t agree with most of you. My iPhone 6 has a performance iOS 10-like. Maybe a little bit worse. But.... what do you expect from a phone 4 years old?????!!!!! No one can tell that...

About the performance. Don’t you think that if the problem affects some iPhone 7 (almost ultimate model) and even some iPhone 8 (exactly the last model) it could be a bug or problem to be solved and not an evil marketing strategy??? Why Apple would want to angry all of its customers? Remember that there are no model without performance issues.... is it a big fail? Yes, EPIC. I don’t remember another iOS with this poor ratio of adoption, neither with so much issues about performance. But we should wait, and be patient. IMO Apple did it bad with 2017 iPhones portfolio, iOS 11 and its integration with supported devices. I insist, be patient. iOS 11.0.1 is already here. And next updates will solve the problems little by little, trust on Apple.
iPhone 6 is only 3 years old.


macrumors 68030
Sep 12, 2014
There is no artificial slow down. Find me a line of code that proves this.

You wont find that code. This is the only company that controls both their hardware and software fully with no outliers. In 2019 you will discover that even the iPhone X of this year will be artificially slowed down to force your mind to purchase the newer iPhone.

That so called i5 desktop level processor in the iPhone X/8/8 plus will be reduced to a Intel atom. I will actually come back to this very post in December 2019 to prove my point and others.

My gf wouldn't lie but she loves Apple anyway. Even my iPads slowed down so I gave iPads up. Artificial slow down is real.


macrumors 604
Nov 29, 2013
The artificial slow down that I try to bring up sparingly but get slammed down quickly by iFans. This use to happen to all of my iPads and it became unacceptable. Another reason why I haven't went back to iOS.

My girlfriend's iPhones slow down too but she is stuck in the iOS ecosystem and can't imagine leaving. I just got her a iPhone 8 plus and she is loving the speed improvements since her 7 plus did have some lag and stutter issues.
Agreed. The quickest way to solve the problem is to just get an iPhone 8/X


macrumors 6502
Dec 25, 2016
I have an SE, a 2 years old SoC and it works flawlessly. I think the big leap performance wise started with the A9 chip. I'm pretty sure that with iOS 12 I will start seeing some performance drops, but it's a 3 year old phone, you can't expect it to be as fast as the first day. I think it's pretty simple, a 2017 Macbook Pro performs better than a 2014 Macbook Pro... Obsolescense ? nah, more like focusing resources on the newer products optimizations.


Sep 9, 2012
(note the hint of sarcasm)

The animations probably use more resources so it makes sense that the older phone is a hair slower, and by turning them off they seem to be closer in speed. Nothing to see here move along.

I don’t think you understand how animations like this are usually coded.

First, a simple zooming animation should be well within the capability of both of these phone’s processors with zero slow-down or delay. In this video the 5s is horribly slow, not just fractionally slower.

Second, these animations are (or should be) coded to execute within a certain period of time. This allows Apple to choose the speed and quicken or slow the animation to taste. If the 5s’s processor was incapable of running the animation adequately then you’d see jerkiness, stuttering, choppy animations or dropped frames but it would still attemp to “catch up” and execute within the prescribed time. That is clearly not happing here because the animations in both phones looks completely smooth. It’s that one has been set (intentionally or not) to execute more slowly than the other. That’s why the author of the video comments that the slowness of the 5s’s animation is completely artificial and there’s no reason for it.

Again, any A-series processor is more than capable of executing simple zooming animations flawlessly. Apple has been caught out. These suspicions have been bubbling away for years.
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Jan 25, 2012
I’m not sure you understand how animations like this are usually coded.

First, a simple zooming animation should be well within the capability of both of these phone’s processors with zero slow-down or delay. In this video the SE is horribly slow, not just fractionally slower.

Second, these animations are (or should be) coded to execute within a certain amount of time. This allows Apple to choose the speed and quicken or slow the animation to taste. If the SE’s processor was incapable of running the animation adequately then you’d see jerkiness, stuttering, choppy animations or dropped frames but it would still attemp to “catch up” and execute within the prescribed time. That is clearly not the case here where the animations in both phones look completely smooth. It’s that one has been set to execute (intentionally or not) more slowly than the other. That’s why the author of the video comments that the slowness of the SE’s animation is completely artificial and there’s no reason for it.

Again, any A-series processor is more than capable of executing simple zooming animations flawlessly. Apple has been caught out. These suspicions have been bubbling away for years.

Still don't get it clearly.

Ok, equate a single animation speed to a driver in a 2013 model year car doing 0-60mph in 5 seconds. Each person you add to the car is the new bulk in a new OS version as it gets more complex and feature stuffed. Now add a 250lb adult passenger. The 0-60 goes down to 5.2, now add 2 more heavy adults in the rear 2 seats, it goes down to 5.6.

Now get a 2017 model year car with 100hp more (same as a new phone with a much more powerful CPU). No big shocker those times ALL go down, with or without load (the 3 passengers). You have more raw power from the start to compensate.

It's not JUST a single animation. It's the fact that as the OS gets more complex that there is more running in the background WHILE the device is doing that "simple" animation appearing to slow the works down on an older device. It should be no shocker a brand new processor can do it better than one from 3 years ago; especially when the new device was built around that OS (and the one from 3 years ago built around the OS version 3 years ago).

Im not sure why it's such a difficult concept to grasp. Go load Word, Excel, Outlook, 6 Chrome tabs, and a few more memory intensive programs and then go to do something basic like Paint and even on the fastest of PCs you are going to get stutter./lag It's the CPU and memory getting temporarily bogged down because so much crap is running. Same as a mobile OS except those programs are background processes as more and more features are packed into the OS.

There simply is no conspiracy here. There has been ZERO evidence produced other than anecdotal Youtube ramblings (opinion at best); no code from iOS presented, notta, of anything intentional Apple put in there.

At BEST Apple did a poor job out of the gate optimizing 11 for older hardware which will improve with updates. Same story every year; their priority is the new hardware to make revenue as they are releasing since they arent billing old customers for updates.

It's the same ridiculous discussion every year of conspiracy theories and then calling people rationalizing it with fact "sheep," and bickering getting to no end as no one here has ANY control over what Apple does either way. And then all discussion about it disappears after a few OS updates until next major version release. And let's be real, the grass its not greener as even with a few hiccups (I admit there are currently some minor ones, but the .1 seconds do not influence my life that I feel the need to whine about it) iOS is leaps above the hot mess Android is; with no true 3rd competitor out there to go buy.
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Jun 15, 2017
Rockville, MD
Here is a simple answer.

If apple was forcing its customers to buy new products, they would simply shorten support down to 2 years. This practice can be clearly seen across most of the Android devices, and half of them only have a 1 year support.

You welcome to file a class action suit, no one is stopping you or will stop you. Let us know how it pans out.
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macrumors 68000
Feb 4, 2011
"apple is known for"... where does that info come from? but yes, always base your decisions about anything and everything on what reddit users have to say... :D

Don't be disingenuous. You know full well that a .0 release has been slower than a .2 or .3 release from iOS 7 onwards, hence the many, many threads we've had on MacRumors throughout the years.

Apple continues this cycle of releasing an unoptimized version of iOS simply so they can meet their hardware deadlines. Scott Forstall is sorely missed. Maybe not for his UI choices, but his attention and passion for UX is still sadly unrivaled at Apple today.


Jan 25, 2012
Here is a simple answer.

If apple was forcing its customers to buy new products, they would simply shorten support down to 2 years. This practice can be clearly seen across most of the Android devices, and half of them only have a 1 year support.

You welcome to file a class action suit, no one is stopping you or will stop you. Let us know how it pans out.

I agree, there is no "duty" to support an old device for any set number of years. If this theory was the case, Apple could have limited support for 2 years take it or leave it.


macrumors 6502
Aug 20, 2011
I didn't use any of the betas this year, but ios 11 is faster than ios 10.3.3 on my iphone SE. Running great and I love it.


Jan 27, 2016
London, UK
(note the hint of sarcasm)

The animations probably use more resources so it makes sense that the older phone is a hair slower, and by turning them off they seem to be closer in speed. Nothing to see here move along.

This is a basic animation. It’s not taxing or demanding. It’s been around since iOS 7 and was perfectly snappy before.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
The artificial slow down that I try to bring up sparingly but get slammed down quickly by iFans. This use to happen to all of my iPads and it became unacceptable. Another reason why I haven't went back to iOS.

My girlfriend's iPhones slow down too but she is stuck in the iOS ecosystem and can't imagine leaving. I just got her a iPhone 8 plus and she is loving the speed improvements since her 7 plus did have some lag and stutter issues.
The same supposed "artificial slowdown" that people were claiming in the early iOS 10.0 days only to then praise the later iOS 10 updates and treat the final 10.3.3 version as some example of perfection?
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
11.0.1 does nothing but fix a bug with Exchange. Literally nothing else.

Apple nearly always throw in some undocumented fixes with every iOS update. Mind you there is still this stupid location bug (that has appeared in previous versions as well) where time zone, wifi network and location based alerts keep seeking location.


macrumors 68000
Feb 4, 2011
The same supposed "artificial slowdown" that people were claiming in the early iOS 10.0 days only to then praise the later iOS 10 updates and treat the final 10.3.3 version as some example of perfection?

It's not an artificial slowdown. It's just crappy and rushed programming to meet deadlines.
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Jan 27, 2016
London, UK
I see your totally unscientific anecdotal claims and meet them with my own: my iPhone 7 Plus is running just as well on iOS 11 as it did on 11 GM, betas 2-10 and iOS 10. So Apple DOES NOT slow down older iPhones.

Post a video comparison to prove it.
I didn't use any of the betas this year, but ios 11 is faster than ios 10.3.3 on my iphone SE. Running great and I love it.

I have an SE and find it very fast, too, but I think it’s WAAAY jankier.
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