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Why is there such a hysteria.
There's no hysteria, chill out.

This can happen to all products in the world. Just return it and they will give a new machine. OMG - this is completely normal. My brand new car was broken after 1000miles and so what. It happens to all products of all manufacturers in the world.
It's not normal for a new product to fail. It's very worrisome if it fails in large numbers. Nobody's saying this is the case here, it's too early, but people are entitled to describe their new Macbook Pro failures on this forum. It's particularly relevant since it's something to do with dGPUs, and Apple's record in this regard is less than stellar.

To folks talking about garbage - wish you to buy laptop (different brand - not garbage according to you) and see this - because you are really stupid.
Are you implying that other brands are garbage then? Talk about fighting over-inflamed rhetoric with similarly over-inflamed, silly rhetoric...
U.K. guys, are we covered for hardware failures like this for 5 years under law?
Two years. But Brexit will probably reduce warranties to about two weeks.
[doublepost=1479481703][/doublepost]If the industry had stuck to developing the MXM format instead of trying to force consumers into whole system upgrades this could be avoided. In the name of corporate greed all modular and upgradable systems are phased out. The less the share price grows the more they play these games so they can get shares growth again.
Would need to be a widespread issue for that to happen, right now it`s an issue with a few models of the initial batch. If possible it`s always prudent to hold off from the initial launch for many reasons.

[doublepost=1479485053][/doublepost]I've been having the same issue :/ I upgraded everything and my computer spazzes out constantly when editing in Adobe Premiere 2017. I thought it was an issue with the new CC and Sierra but now after that happened a few times my computer seems to be in a constant state of flickering. Any suggestions? Aside from the obvious go to the Genius Bar?
I've been having the same issue :/ I upgraded everything and my computer spazzes out constantly when editing in Adobe Premiere 2017. I thought it was an issue with the new CC and Sierra but now after that happened a few times my computer seems to be in a constant state of flickering. Any suggestions? Aside from the obvious go to the Genius Bar?

Realistically there is not much you can do, barring reseting PRAM & SMC if that fails a clean install of the OS, wait on a patch if it`s on the software side, if Apple acknowledges the same.

I feel for you, a new Mac is much anticipated event, to have a failure out the "gate" just plain sucks. My sincere advise is to return the MBP, hold off, let Apple work out the kinks in the production process, and at very least the software. From my experience; in general better to hold off a year or two from initial release with the MBP as you will get a much better system overall with both hardware & software bugs ironed out and a higher specification of machine. In short Apple takes advantage of the early adopters, Apple of 2016 is about $$$$, everything else is scripted.

A good friend of mine only ever purchases the outgoing model, as in his considered opinion they are far more refined, have a vastly lower failure rates, offer by far the best value for money, nor is his argument easily challenged as he has never had a single issue with a Mac or OS X, similar to myself that put`s the bread on the table, food for thought indeed...

If you choose to be an early adopter there is potential risk and associated cost, it`s how Apple roll`s, been there, done it myself, maybe just once too often...

Return it :(

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Click his username, click ignore :)
Seriously, I don't need that negativity in my life. Can't see him, can't read his replies, he is gone :)

Indeed, better surround yourself in your own echo chamber, god forbid you actually have to confront other's opinions.
An update - I brought the machine in to my local Apple Store. I was not able to recreate the issue in front of the Genius bar employee, however I showed him my screen shots of the glicthing. He couldn;t determine if this was software or hardware for certain. He said since the machine was so new - the best thing he would want to do is just return/exchange for a new one. Luckily they had a high end BTO 15" Space Grey in stock so I just exchanged for that one. I seemed to be the first one to bring a new 2016 MBP to that Genius bar.

So far no issues with the new MBP, but we shall see. I will keep you all updated!
Man....op is still at the Apple Store? Closed hours ago....unless.....Jonny Ive's secret dgpu damage control team wisked him off to his white room of pain....
More this time - SSD is soldered.
I have had numerous MacBook Pros both 13 & 15. Several have had to have logic boards replaced due to video issues and I STRONGLY (!!!) ADVISE against purchasing if there is ANY indication it has MAY have issues, because eventually it will. Yea Applecare will cover you for a period but after that, you're on your own pal and it COSTS $$$. MAKE SURE IT IS STABLE WITH NO _ ZERO _ ISSUES FIRST.
Reading this thread has made my heart sink. Mine is due to arrive on 24/11, with the 460.

Granted, people without issues are pretty unlikely to post when they have no problems, there just seemed to be more and more people with identical issues as I clicked through the pages :(
Reading this thread has made my heart sink. Mine is due to arrive on 24/11, with the 460.

Granted, people without issues are pretty unlikely to post when they have no problems, there just seemed to be more and more people with identical issues as I clicked through the pages :(
I've been watching this thread with interest as I have a 460. No problems so far...
So my 460 just failed, laptop will not display at all only vertical lines. Leaving for Genius Bar now.
I am curious, do they these issues appear in Bootcamp too? If not, couldnt it then be fixed with a simple software update?
I understand that the new MBPs are great and powerful machines but in my opinion they have too much bugs and defects!
The whole soldering everything and prices increases and irrepairability point to Apple trying to get you used to a subscription contract model. You pay monthly and if your system fails they replace the whole machine if you are still under contract. $1200 = one year. $3600 = three years.

Apparently—according to some—this is an invalid point of view. If perhaps not that far from the mark. With more than a few customers routinely upgrading (or in any event purchasing a newer model) within one to three years, effectively close to a subscription in usage. All the more as many will not take the risk beyond the three year limit of Apple Care.

Adobe decided they could make more money selling software on a subscription basis. Items like Photoshop are a major purchase. Some professionals felt it more prudent to use what basically worked, and that already paid for and owned, than opting for the constant annual upgrades Adobe was encouraging—until they just made everyone pay for it ongoing regardless. Adobe is not alone; the subscription model is becoming increasingly popular—at least among corporations, if not always their customers.

Apple has made the 2016 MBP an appliance. It is not repairable; only a few major components can be swapped out. Use and replace. Or a long way from what they once sold: a good value that could be repaired when needed, and upgraded as desired.

That on offer now is veering towards subscription.
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Why is there such a hysteria. This can happen to all products in the world. Just return it and they will give a new machine. OMG - this is completely normal. My brand new car was broken after 1000miles and so what. It happens to all products of all manufacturers in the world.
To folks talking about garbage - wish you to buy laptop (different brand - not garbage according to you) and see this - because you are really stupid.
Perhaps the hysteria is due to the fact that we have waited a long time for this, and to replace it, it means waiting till December and maybe longer to get the specs on the machine we ordered.
So my 460 just failed, laptop will not display at all only vertical lines. Leaving for Genius Bar now.

I was quite sure this was just a driver issue until I read yours, but then again, maybe yours is not at all related, seems to me yours is really faulty which I hope will be solved soon.
It just could be yours is just 1 bad one out of thousands and all the others are just a bug in the software.
If that is the case Apple should release an update ASAP but knowing Apple it could be some weeks.

Hope those with this issue will get solved sooner rather than later.
This looks like the GPU isn't properly soldered in - try putting your MBPro in the oven on broil for about 2 minutes, that should allow the BGA soldering points to flow into position.


No really, /s. Don't do this.

Actually people used to solve the Nvidia gpu problem like this in 2008. With the dell xps and macbook pro
Okay this is a common thing now.
I put my new MBP to work right away and edited a project in Premiere Pro.
When I used the Adobe Media Encoder the graphics card freaked out and computer crashed.
I went to the Apple Store and they said it's probably a hardware problem.
So I ordered a new one.
I kept the MPB I have now because when I switched over to FCPX everything seems to be working fine.
But the technician said I shouldn't trust it after I showed him the video of it freaking out. I have the Radeon Pro 460 with 4GB memory
The same happened to me with the delll xps nvidia gpu. I know different brands but the problem is the same unfortunately
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Given Apple have produced numerous machines over the last decade with GPU issues, there seems to be an inherent pathology within their engineering department that just cannot design a stable and robust graphics sub-system in their products, regardless of the GPU manufacturer.
If you have FileVault encryption enabled this is normal. If you turn the encryption off it will go away.

I have the 15 MBP, 1tb, 2.9, 460 and this was happening on logging in. Disabling file vault stops it from happening, but I believe it is because the logging in window changes. In any event, I have been on the phone with apple support and they want me to bring it in for a replacement. They are currently calling local stores to see if there is an exact model that I could replace with. However, you are the first with a 455 that I have seen encounter this issue, so I am starting to wonder if it is more software related than anything else. Maybe firmware for the video card?

The flicker after logging in is normal if you're using FileVault... it's something to do with the kernel being swapped at login for security purposes from what I've read. It's not because you're seeing a slightly different login screen.

There's no need to replace your machine if this is all you're experiencing.

So this is a normal occurrence with FileVault 2 with all Macs? As I do have it turned on. First Mac I ever owned, used it for years at work and school and this is the first I've seen this. But, before my original post, I had already talked to an Apple tech on the phone and went to the Genius Bar and they didn't even tell me about this.
I cancelled my 15" BTO 2.9/460/1TB today. I personally cannot handle another faulty Apple product any longer.

The 13" I bought in the meantime I gifted to my niece , which was a nice laptop with no issues but way too underpowered for my needs.

I'll let Apple work through their entangled mess of zero QC, let them finish decorating their new trillion dollar office building that they didn't need, let them decide if they are or are not building an Apple car LOL, and one day if and when Apple gets their **** together I'll come back to Mac.
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