It is a simple issue to me.
If maximize options contribute to productivity and customer satisfaction then it should be offered.
It is not a difficult task for Apple.
Set the default option to Full Screen. In System Preferences provide an option to change to the default to:
- Maximize to Content (Window will reshape according to content)
- Maximize Window. (Window will expand to fill entire desktop except for the Menu Bar and the Dock)
These options will enable customers to maximize their productivity style.
- Some like to work with one window only and use trackpad gestures to switch apps.
- Some people like multiple windows scattered over the desktop.
- Some multitask via the Dock. Fully maximized window covering the desktop and use the Dock to switch apps.
No one method is incorrect. Just like Myers Briggs has identified multiple personalities the computer world has multiple productivity styles.
I would like to see the Mac market triple in size, competition is good for progress. I know this option will help the Mac gain market share. I have seen too many ex-Windows users stare in shock when they find out that their beautiful new Mac cannot easily maximize a window over the desktop.
- "Where did my menu bar and Dock go?"
- "How come I have to wait for the menu to appear."
- "I want my Dock to remain visible, how can I change this?"
- "I purchased a large screen so I can have more icons and options on the screen. Why is Apple fighting me?"
- "I have to purchase a third party app to maximize a window? You're kidding right?"
- "I have always heard that the Mac was really easy and well thought out. This is like the dark ages!"
A basic rule of marketing - make a superior product and make it easy to switch to.
Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard by Professors Chip & Dan Heath
If you agree, please contact Apple at:
You may also want to send Tim Cook, Apple CEO a request on his Twitter account.
Thank you and have a great day!