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I can't believe I kept reading this thread. Best and better are really subjective since the best phone, in my opinion, is the one I prefer to use. I enjoy my Note; I use the stylus nearly every day and so I think my phone is better than other phones. I like widgets and want a phone capable of displaying widgets, so the phone that can do widgets is a better phone for me. I wouldn't buy a phone that can't have a screen dedicated to full calendar View. I don't want to click an icon to bring up the calendar, I want it already there and open.

My dad wants a phone he can make calls, occasionally text, and sometimes check Facebook. He likes the iPhone and for him, his phone is better than mine.

But I am not my phone. I have no brand loyalty. I don't get embarrassed because Samsung put out an ad claiming it was better than another company. I guess I don't understand assigning an emotion to ads from product companies.
You touched on one thing that I wish my iPhone had - widgets. I jailbroke my iPhone and widgets are available but the 'pickins are slim and they tend to make the phone unstable.
I honestly think Samsung isn't targetting iPhone users with this ad; they're actually targetting android users.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Android users and those who are on the fence. People who are die-hard iOS users will always be. Look at die hard OSX users. There is no data on earth that will convert them. It's not worth Samsung's time to convert those devoted to the apple. They want those who are unsure, and those who are willing to try something new.


So companies should simply ignore the fact that they filed and have been granted a patent?

No, I never said that. I was simply saying the patent system is flawed and needs fixing. What is happening is EXACTLY what needs to happen (and more of it) for there to be reform. The companies should do exactly what they are doing. To say that I implied otherwise is to have not understood my argument in the first place.
Well, apparently a lot of people LIKE using Android or people wouldn't keep buying the devices.

Apple is the most closed ecosystem that doesn't let you use features with other platforms and closes you from drag and droping files on the phone and playing different formats of media and codecs.

Hand cramps and pocket battles? That is a bit subjective but you do have a point in one sense that samsung should have at least one current model that's smaller for those who prefer that or have smaller hands.

Google play is huge now and have most of the actual apps that you would want that itunes has. There are a lot of useless apps in itunes. Quantity doesn't = quality

Not everyones group of friends are apple user dominated. Mine actually is and from my stand point its actually more of a deterent to go Android then a joy to go against the grain because I love iMessage. Nothing better then typing on a real full size keyboard when I can.

I don't think there is anything wrong with the add. Plenty of companies try to bring out the better points of there product to their competition.

Don't remember those "Hi I'm a mac and I'm a PC ads"?? Don't think Apple got a big boost from that compaign?

I'm an apple guy but don't look at everything they do with rose coloured glasses and diss other platforms just because they aren't apple.

I forgot, when was this a feature bullet-point competition, Sammy? That's right ... it's not. It's about the platform. iOS versus Android. So, to be clear, you should totally go with Sammy if you:

  • Don't mind using Android–*you can't tell the difference, we swear!
  • Like cutting edge features that you can't use with anyone else.
  • Enjoy hand cramps and awkward battles with your pants pocket.
  • Don't really like Apps that much.
  • Are the contrarian in your group of friends.

To be clear, you do not Save money– you can buy an iPhone at every price point from $0 to $400. So what's the point, again?
Whether or not Samsung makes excellent products is what's in dispute. What is in dispute is did they make them on their own, or did they get the benefit of Apple's R&D without having to pay for it?

Hint: A jury found the latter (in spades - look up the word "willful" sometime) and that's the core issue.

It's not really possible to extrapolate a verdict in the US to a global scale given differences in laws and legal processes between various countries. I would caution the word "willful" there. The jury didn't exactly follow their instructions. While this doesn't necessarily invalidate the verdict, it is not a good measure of reference.
Totally agree! Now if ios catches up and includes those features then its obvioulsy a tougher decision and more about hardware your, ecosystem, what most of your friends use and personal pref.

Choice is good. Especially when you can't really go totally wrong with either of them. IMHO

I can't believe I kept reading this thread. Best and better are really subjective since the best phone, in my opinion, is the one I prefer to use. I enjoy my Note; I use the stylus nearly every day and so I think my phone is better than other phones. I like widgets and want a phone capable of displaying widgets, so the phone that can do widgets is a better phone for me. I wouldn't buy a phone that can't have a screen dedicated to full calendar View. I don't want to click an icon to bring up the calendar, I want it already there and open.

My dad wants a phone he can make calls, occasionally text, and sometimes check Facebook. He likes the iPhone and for him, his phone is better than mine.

But I am not my phone. I have no brand loyalty. I don't get embarrassed because Samsung put out an ad claiming it was better than another company. I guess I don't understand assigning an emotion to ads from product companies.
I'm not here to do your own research for you.

Here are some areas to get you started
Google Mail hooks into iCloud mail hooks into these too, where necessary. I don't think I need my email to "hook" into my ebook.
Google Contacts "..." See above, iCloud hooks in contacts
Google Plus/Hangouts/youtube iOS hooks into Facebook, Google Plus is a joke/useless, and what kind of hooking does youtube require? It's a web app, no better accessible on droid or iPhone
Google Maps/My Maps Really? Again, maps aren't a cloud service, and iOS has access to Google Maps OR iOS Maps
Google Music/Books.. iTunes Match and iBooks > Google Play

See bolded above for response. NONE of those features are "cloud", cloud-specific to Google or are web apps.

I'm not sure how to explain this to you. If I post a youtube video link in a gmail email message or google chat window then it automatically generates a clickable thumbmail.

Because no one is capable of clicking on a web link?

If I put an event in google calendar then it generates clickable links to the location that take me to google maps, and the event shows up on my jelly bean android device.

iOS brings you to the respective app if you have a URL, address, phone number, App store link, ect.

Calling someone on the phone via my gmail interface automatically uses my google voice number to make the call.

The average smartphone user would prefer to have a Google Voice and regular phone line? Doubt it. If you really need Google Voice, then get the app on iOS

Photos (automatically uploaded from my android phone) in my Google Picasa gallery are automatically available on my Google Plus profile.

And how is this difference than the sharing options to social media made available in iOS, or shared photo streams? And let's be honest, no one cares about or uses Google Plus

Have I mentioned the completely seamless transition between mobile device and desktop google chat? All completely logged and accessible from any web browser, regardless of OS.

And how is this different than iMessage being a seamless transition between my iPad or iPhone? Not to mention it's integrated into one message app automatically on iPhone

There are dozens more examples like this... and I am sure that I myself have only scratched the surface of cloud integration that google offers (I haven't even mentioned google apps or google docs)....

Google apps ... Apple has apps too, not a cloud service. Apple has app data in the cloud and cloud document saving, too. So I really don't know what you mean.

So you can go on thinking that iCloud is equivalent, but you're very, very wrong. Educate yourself, buddy.

Educate yourself, "buddy". Seems like you are not in touch with Apple, OSX or iOS at all. Which reminds me, since you are so out of the loop, and clearly prefer Gmail/Android, why are you even on these forums?

See bolded.

Everything you say is correct but none of the services you listed are apps. They are web-based services. So....if you happen to not have internet connectivity, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to access, for instance, your Calendar. I don't use Google services so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I understand that this is not a make-or-break deal for most people but there *is* a difference between accessing web-based services and having apps. sync via the cloud. No?

BTW, I'm not 'dissin on Google. Each to their own. .....and if I'm not mistaken, Google offered Google Calendar before iCloud was created?

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apple isnt the market leader in PC space*. they are in mobile.

*tho they are the leading PC manufacture in annual growth...the others are dropping in sales while macs continue to grow year after year.

This was in response to superior/inferior company and not who is the sales leader.
The point is that Apple's patents are frivolous and the statement that Steve Jobs made that they invented multitouch and the first touch screen phone is a LIE.

Is it really difficult to admit that for you guys? Is it really to admit that the patents are undeserved? Is it so hard to admit that apple clearly skews the facts? Is it really necessary to obsess over glorifying a brand over this?

Someone may have already asked you this....but why does it seem like your personal vendetta to discredit Steve Jobs and Apple? I mean, you're free to buy supposedly superior phones, so why is it you keep regurgitating the same lines?

You make the assumption/generalization that all people who buy Apple are blinded by Apple's supposed skewing of facts. Wouldn't it be more reasonable to assume that none of us knows when the iPhone (or any other touch screen phone for that matter) was conceived? I mean tbh, touchscreen devices have been "around" for decades. For all you or anyone else knows Steve Jobs could've invented this ages ago but was limited by the technology available to him (not suggesting this is the case). The point is, YOU don't know any more than the rest of us. So come down off your high-horse and relax.

Whether or not a touchscreen device was around before the iPhone you cannot deny the fact that the iPhone began this touchscreen smartphone revolution. And really, regardless of whether it was actually invented by Jobs or Apple or simply a product of their brilliant marketing strategies it makes no difference. You're thinking about innovation as someone coming up with some brand new technology. I'd argue innovation has a much broader definition and is defined by how a technology or device effects the world/consumers it is used by.
LOL. All this bitchin and moaning. Remember this ad?

Its all in good humor and fun, quit freaking out about a damn newspaper ad. At least they are comparing specs, unlike the crappy ad before.
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Well I don't have a comment on how easy or hard it is to make the apps. I only see the end result and they always look similar to me.

I do notice iOS apps are usually bigger in file size then Android apps.

Dead Trigger - iOS 294 / android 151
Speed test - iOS 11.9 / Android 4.08
Temple Run - iOS 34.3 Android 24.71
Dropbox - iOS 24.8 / Android 9.96
Chrome - iOS 39.6 / Android 18.94
Angry Birds Space - iOS 64.4 / Android 27.78

I came from Android but knowing what I know now I wouldn't have got the 16gb iPhone. 32 gb would be my minimum.

Regardless point is as an end user I can't tell the difference between them using them and the only behind the scenes stuff I do notice just shows me iOS apps are bigger (and more expensive).

As a side note dead trigger looks better on my 4S compared to my Xoom. Even with Xoom over-clocked and on the highest graphic quality there is more graphic content on iOS. However I've been told that the graphics are dumbed down for the 3GS too. The Xoom isn't exactly cutting edge anymore. Lol

A lot of that difference in file size comes from the fact that on Android you have to download additional files when you first install the game. You DL the game from the store, open it up and DL more content. I'd venture to guess the file size discrepancy isn't that large, but in my (limited) experience with Android, the iOS counterparts seem more stable so the additional size isn't really an issue.
Maybe Apple should try this

Nice specs galaxy SIII, shame it is still a plastic brick with no real infrastructure and an unregulated crAPPy store. I'll stick with my Apple ecosystem. The samsung SIII maybe 'Big' (and faster) but it just isn't clever. If you see something you like why not just copy it! Oh I could think of about a billion reasons not to. Lets hope it gets band but as the judge said, Samsung is just not cool enough to be mistaken with any Apple product ;)

I laugh at these tool-boxes on here defending Samsuck, Android and the other crap products they love. And they call Apple/iPhone users fanboys. They are the FAN-DROIDS. I don't care if you like one more than the other, use a f-n cup and string for all you want. Just crawl back under your rock with your inferior Samsuck products and eat a d!ck.

Oh, by the way. Samsuck manufactures PARTS for Apple. These parts were DESIGNED BY APPLE.
I forgot, when was this a feature bullet-point competition, Sammy? That's right ... it's not. It's about the platform. iOS versus Android. So, to be clear, you should totally go with Sammy if you:

  • Don't mind using Android–*you can't tell the difference, we swear!
  • Like cutting edge features that you can't use with anyone else.
  • Enjoy hand cramps and awkward battles with your pants pocket.
  • Don't really like Apps that much.
  • Are the contrarian in your group of friends.

To be clear, you do not Save money– you can buy an iPhone at every price point from $0 to $400. So what's the point, again?

Can use the features with other Samsung users. Galaxy S3 is a popular phone you know... I've seen quite a few people with one.

No hand cramps or pocket battles here. I wear trousers that aren't skin tight though.

Plenty of good apps.

I don't care what other people have. I'll use what I want irregardless of whether my friends have those devices.
I laugh at these tool-boxes on here defending Samsuck, Android and the other crap products they love. And they call Apple/iPhone users fanboys. They are the FAN-DROIDS. I don't care if you like one more than the other, use a f-n cup and string for all you want. Just crawl back under your rock with your inferior Samsuck products and eat a d!ck.

Oh, by the way. Samsuck manufactures PARTS for Apple. These parts were DESIGNED BY APPLE.

May I ask why you're so judgemental and angry towards people that like certain phones?
Plus if you're on Verizon, they are planning on pushing out an update which installs their remote tools so a tech can remote in to your phone to troubleshoot issues. Which is a cool idea, but I wouldn't want that on my phone.

Root it and put a custom ROM on it... or just delete it. Because with android, its okay to do that. Samsung wont try to brick your phone for doing it.
Some valid points not sure its fair to call it a plastic brick. Build quality felt very solid in my hands when I played with it. iPhone does feel more premium though I will admit.

Definitely not fair to say it isn't clever. You may not choose to use a lot of the features it has but you can't argue that it doesn't have a lot of clever features and on a whole more then the iphone.

At this point the most clever part of ios is its intuitiveness and icloud and that's kinda of old news at this point. Even as an ios fan I have to say it needs a refresh!

Anyone else tired of just rows of icons? Didn't apple invent widgets on macs? I actually think they are more useful on a phone then on a computer.

I also don't appreciate that for some reason my iphone 4 just decides it doesn't feel like pushing my email and I have to reset it to push again. And yes I have an icloud email address.

Neither platform are perfect and probably never will be. Both are excellent and have pros and cons vs. each other.

Lets leave it at that and stop all the fanboyism on both sides!

Nice specs galaxy SIII, shame it is still a plastic brick with no real infrastructure and an unregulated crAPPy store. I'll stick with my Apple ecosystem. The samsung SIII maybe 'Big' (and faster) but it just isn't clever. If you see something you like why not just copy it! Oh I could think of about a billion reasons not to. Lets hope it gets band but as the judge said, Samsung is just not cool enough to be mistaken with any Apple product ;)
Something for the Sam-suckers:


  • joy-of-tech-iphone-5.jpg
    114.3 KB · Views: 160
I respect both apple/ios and samsung/android. So what does that make me?

I guess it makes me objective which is such terrible thing.

Us terrible objective people that appreciate any type of inovative tech products and features no matter what the brand or os name is.

I laugh at these tool-boxes on here defending Samsuck, Android and the other crap products they love. And they call Apple/iPhone users fanboys. They are the FAN-DROIDS. I don't care if you like one more than the other, use a f-n cup and string for all you want. Just crawl back under your rock with your inferior Samsuck products and eat a d!ck.

Oh, by the way. Samsuck manufactures PARTS for Apple. These parts were DESIGNED BY APPLE.
It just goes to show that Samsung is a lot more worried about the iPhone 5 than they are letting on. Comparative advertising is less effective since by definition it draws attention to the competition. Apple's "I'm a Mac" campaign was a little bit different since it was humorous and never actually went into a spec by spec comparison.

I guess I'm wonder, other than the hardcore Linux fanboys, who gives half a fat rat's ass about specs like RAM, if apps run right, the UI doesn't lag, and you don't have to reboot it all the time.

Not one person should a damn about CPU speed and RAM if the software runs properly on whatever is in there.

Samsung: the Mhz wars were over years ago. It's bad marketing.
Much like the Samsung TV's that you stand in front of and move your hands around like a mime to move the selection on the screen.
Neat? Yes.... for about a minute.
Useful? No way. Just give me the damn remote.

I think they put in as many things as they can come up with to make their spec list longer.

The first thing I thought of when I read this was Siri. Unless it becomes much more than it is now, I don't see it as more than a gimmick. If and this a very big if, you could activate it by a word or some kind of voice interaction other than pressing the button on the front of the phone then it would be a step closer to being useful. Right now its just fun to ask dumb questions. Not really that useful. Not when you can do most of the tasks faster just touching the phone. Which you have to do anyway to use it.
The technology is good, the implication is bad. If NFC can exchnage information between devices, so it can exchange viruses, malware or user information. Android is open software, so it is easy to get viruses, iPhone is closed controled ecosystem so if you not jailbreak it, its safe. When apple adopt NFC they will do it their way, focosing on security, useability and user experiance. Sammy has it, so i wanna know how many of those users use it. 1%? 0.05%? Or maybe less. So its there but nobody use it, and thats the big deal. I use my iPad every single day and every single feature is great and I use it almost all the time.

What samsung do, is just trowing **** on a wall (users) and hope some of the **** sticks to do wall (users like it). With iOS you can see some great new features, but its almost all about making the features it has now, better. The idea is not to give every software update a dozen of new system apps, but maybe one or two, but they should be great. When apple wants to Create a feature they probably think about cons and pros and if they cant clear all the cons, they dont give it to user because they care about him. Sammy just make stuffs with acceptable level of cons and pros and use the users for laboratory rats.

And if you haven't notice so does Apple. Just look at almost every OS release. Even their mobile services are more of a work in progress. Don't get me wrong I love using a Mac. And have several iPhones but this last round of "upgrades" has just pissed me off to the point I don't even know if I can keep using "icloud". It is just crap and every time I log in it just pisses me off more and more. I don't like always feeling like a Beta tester. I did that for years, now I just want stuff to work.
So how many millions of pre order for Galaxy S III?

That's the thing, I feel like that more and more advertisement of some sort of totally unrelated to iphone or android types of phones, you hear and see a TON more of iPhone 4(s) and iPad items showcasing the apps used for particular company using it for customers to experience. Why not more of android? IOr galaxy? Very little do I hear ad's mention android or phone devices of the android or something. It's iphone this and iPad that. And generic iphone and ipad products are use more than any other devices. And also, if the statistics are accurate or true, iphone 5 had double the pre-orders than the 4S by a Million more within 24 hours. What does that say about iPhone anyway? iPhone ad's don't need to work that hard these days. Yup, any other phone ad's they have to be creative or they won't get noticed. Trust me, I see SOOOO many more iphone users out in the daily interaction, it's really neat. Iphone just works. Simple, to the point, the apps I use are very much useful in ways I make money with them because I use it for my business. Apple products generally helps people make money some how because of the less time wasted in tinkering with any other software than the apple OS's.
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