the black flex's beyond easily on the Nexus 9, even when you hold it in your hand and your fingers are on the back of the tablet, they press in slightly on the tablet and back of the tablet, which is terrible honestly, and a iPad will never bend, the only way it will bend? if someone forcibly is trying to snap my iPad/bend my iPad in half, then that is where I would proceed to snap that persons neck in half lol if they ever tried doing something like that. so yeah its virtually impossible.
The boss of Anandtech is no longer the boss of Anandtech now, he works at Apple and has now let others take rein of the website, he is really no longer involved at all in Anandtech anymore
Funny, total opposite for me, My nexus 7 running 4.4.4 (2013 version) in ART mode crashes noticeably more then any iOS device I have ever owned, Google Plus and others crash at least once a day on my tablet, Crash rates of both OS's are actually very close so you just seem to be the very rare oddity.
the fact that iOS crash rates and Android crash rates are close, while Android devices sporting 2-3x more RAM just shows you how efficient iOS is and how Android can improve