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“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." Joseph Goebbels (Propaganda Minister of the third reich)

Quite an old theory this one of "an advertising works if people keep talking about it".

Marketing has evolved since 1930, as we have evolved inside the media language, we can read sign faster, deeper. And this theory doesn't work in all the situation.

All true again...

Thanks lord there are cool people on this forums you can have cool chat with :)

I am only curious at this point who is behind the edit - since entire perception could easily be changed by the edit itself...

For example, instead of cutting to rather disappointing reactions, they could easily edit the footage to better looking reactions - hell, if it is case of advertising, as in business, they could even manipulate the sound a bit...

Perhaps Apple paid the guy but M$ paid the program editor!?

All true again...

Thanks lord there are cool people on this forums you can have cool chat with :)

I am only curious at this point who is behind the edit - since entire perception could easily be changed by the edit itself...

For example, instead of cutting to rather disappointing reactions, they could easily edit the footage to better looking reactions - hell, if it is case of advertising, as in business, they could even manipulate the sound a bit...

Perhaps Apple paid the guy but M$ paid the program editor!?


My guess is just that it didn't go perfectly because of the acting's reactions of the characters. And the edit did the rest.

So it was an apple advertising that just it didn't work 100%
Colbert is usually funny but I thought his routine last night was corny, painful to watch and not funny. Nice to see the iPad again, but Apple should have handed it to Taylor Swift or Lady Gaga. :)

Every time he asked his daughter if he was cool I just wanted it to end.
To my knowledge this is the only time Apple has blatantly advertised something like this on TV other than their usual commercials. To me, that says desperation on Apple's part, I just like when Apple makes useful stuff and they meant something. I miss stuff like this:

Anyways, I hope Apple gets the iPad right eventually, but for now, this is Apple getting lazy and greedy, and I truly hope Steve Jobs thinks Google is trying to kill the iPhone because Steve Jobs and company does their best work when they feel threatened and have something to prove.

You must have not been here when they did the same for the iPhone. Apple sure was desperate there.
I don't think a MacBook Pro would fit in his pocket!

I love Stephen Colbert! He is hilarious, and his show The Colbert Report (both Colbert and Report with a silent r) is the best late night show I have ever seen.

I like Colbert but you should watch Craig Ferguson:).
Let's not be too obtuse here.

The reaction from the blonde (his daughter, I guess) was directed toward Colbert playing at trying to be cool. He does it all the time. He could have pulled out an iPod Touch or an iPhone and he would have gotten the same reaction.

Colbert does corny. Deliberately. That's part of his act. He's a master of groan-jokes.
I'm pretty sure Apple didn't give Colbert his own iPad yet. They're probably was an iPad "handler" backstage that gave Colbert the iPad before he went on stage and took it back after he got off. I'm sure if Colbert really had one they know journalists and other people would be hounding him to use it and Apple wouldn't want it. But overall clearly it was an Apple advertisment, afterall iTunes was clearly being marketed throughout the show.
I wonder how many people played with it back stage! I can't contain my excitement. Wow! What a pro Colbert is.That is how you do it Apple. Cool, innovative and it will work. Take that HP slate running windows 7. Take that!
Man when that mother****** is released to the public all hell is going to be raised.
reminds me of someone banning a book they haven't read...

To XboxEvolved: you "hope Apple gets the ipad right eventually"- why do you think they didn't? the iPad looked great to me- I certainly plan to get one. is this sour grapes, sour personality, or are you on the wrong website?
I wonder how many people played with it back stage! I can't contain my excitement. Wow! What a pro Colbert is.That is how you do it Apple. Cool, innovative and it will work. Take that HP slate running windows 7. Take that!
Man when that mother****** is released to the public all hell is going to be raised.

The doctor won't prescribe you any more prozac if you continue to gulp each new bottle in one go.. ;)
You guys crack me up. Seriously.

It was ingenious product placement (and this coming from someone who has little to no use for the iPad in its current state).

Try and remember that even though there was a keynote last week - and it's been in the papers - "middle america" and millions of people have no idea a new Apple product was announced nor what it is. The Grammy's has millions of viewers worldwide who have probably never heard of the iPad, seen the iPad and certainly don't visit sites like this.

That means when it's featured on the Grammy's in the OPENING "monologue" - HUGE exposure. Regardless of how it was used. Which is why you will see the iPad making several "cameos" over the next few months in various tv shows, etc.

The world exists beyond those "in the know" here...
To my knowledge this is the only time Apple has blatantly advertised something like this on TV other than their usual commercials. To me, that says desperation on Apple's part...

<sarcasm>Yes, a company with $30+ billion in the bank and the hottest mobile devices on the market MUST be desperate, absolutely.</sarcasm>
This is what Apple needed. As soon as there are more placements of iPad in movies and shows, it will be the next craze. People who say it's going to fail are delusional. This thing will be on fire. Especially for the college crowd.

EDIT: To XBOXEvolved: it's not desperation, it's logic. Apple is needing to step up its game as it enters more markets and that means more forms of advertisement and PR events. Apple is taking a new approach, for them anyways (usually its the norm for others) and doing some things that will get it's product more attention. And this may have been to counter all the "iPad tee-hee it's a pad. And iPad!" type remarks that are going around.
To my knowledge this is the only time Apple has blatantly advertised something like this on TV other than their usual commercials. To me, that says desperation on Apple's part, I just like when Apple makes useful stuff and they meant something. I miss stuff like this:

Anyways, I hope Apple gets the iPad right eventually, but for now, this is Apple getting lazy and greedy, and I truly hope Steve Jobs thinks Google is trying to kill the iPhone because Steve Jobs and company does their best work when they feel threatened and have something to prove.

Are you for real? Apple is lazy. When you learn how to develop and release a product millions will buy, then you can call Apple lazy. I am sure that Jobs and company said, "hey, let's figure out all the good things we can leave out of the iPad so we tick people off!" They had price points, and specific goals in mind for the first release. Yes, version two will be better, but everything Apple does works that way. They figure out what works, what won't, how to improve costs and the final product.

The iPad is no different. Apple isn't lazy, they are still one of the best at identifying a market, how to best serve it, and then releasing a product that totally flips the thinking about that respective market over.

Think Mac, iPod, iPhone and now iPad. Each one a game-changer in their market.

Lazy, no. Calculated, yes.
Are you for real? Apple is lazy. When you learn how to develop and release a product millions will buy, then you can call Apple lazy. I am sure that Jobs and company said, "hey, let's figure out all the good things we can leave out of the iPad so we tick people off!" They had price points, and specific goals in mind for the first release. Yes, version two will be better, but everything Apple does works that way. They figure out what works, what won't, how to improve costs and the final product.

The iPad is no different. Apple isn't lazy, they are still one of the best at identifying a market, how to best serve it, and then releasing a product that totally flips the thinking about that respective market over.

Think Mac, iPod, iPhone and now iPad. Each one a game-changer in their market.

Lazy, no. Calculated, yes.
Ditto. Apple knows what it is doing. And when it does something, it does it well. This product was years in the making, for sure. And with Jobs' oversight, you know it is Apple quality, something which I have not found in a single other product.
Are you for real? Apple is lazy. When you learn how to develop and release a product millions will buy, then you can call Apple lazy. I am sure that Jobs and company said, "hey, let's figure out all the good things we can leave out of the iPad so we tick people off!" They had price points, and specific goals in mind for the first release. Yes, version two will be better, but everything Apple does works that way. They figure out what works, what won't, how to improve costs and the final product.

The iPad is no different. Apple isn't lazy, they are still one of the best at identifying a market, how to best serve it, and then releasing a product that totally flips the thinking about that respective market over.

Think Mac, iPod, iPhone and now iPad. Each one a game-changer in their market.

Lazy, no. Calculated, yes.

These are the same dudes who pan every Apple product ever released. From the imac, to the ipod, to the iphone. You should read the original ipod unveiling thread on this forum. It's quite hilarious. We all know how well the ipod failed.
Everybody complaints about the ipad but I know everybody secretly wants one !

Would like one? Sure. Actually pay for one? Meh, not so much. Sure, it will sell, I have no doubt of that. I just have more need for something that has a keyboard, multi-tasking and unlimited storage than for an oversized iPod Touch
To my knowledge this is the only time Apple has blatantly advertised something like this on TV other than their usual commercials. To me, that says desperation on Apple's part, I just like when Apple makes useful stuff and they meant something. I miss stuff like this:

Anyways, I hope Apple gets the iPad right eventually, but for now, this is Apple getting lazy and greedy, and I truly hope Steve Jobs thinks Google is trying to kill the iPhone because Steve Jobs and company does their best work when they feel threatened and have something to prove.

Apple products have been advertised in movies and TV in so many ways. This was a stroke of genius to have it being used in the first week it was introduced and before it is available to the public.

'Anyways'? Really, dude. Unless you are from the Bronx, it is singular.
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