Can you explain why the iPad sells more than any laptop if it is not giving what people want?
If people didn't want it they wouldn't buy it.
You may want an iPad with full OS on it, I don't and love the iPad for what it is. It is a computer replacement to those with limited needs, but is also a great companion device for those with a laptop whose needs are more in depth.
It is not the compromised product a surface is. It is a tablet primarily, and as far as I can see, barely has any competition.
Let me give you my view on this.
I bought two iPads so far, and this was within five years. In the same period of time, I bought two different laptops: one from Apple, and one from Dell. I bought the same number of laptops and tablets in the same time period, but I bought double iPads than any specific laptop. This is of course because the iPad is unique among tablets, while there is a variety of different laptops to choose from. Macs are kind of unique, but they are still laptops.
The iPad is a beautiful device, it looks good and promises so much. I bought an iPad 3 (the new iPad) back in 2012, and it had a beautiful bright retina display. How not to love it?
But then I realized it was just a big iPhone. Of course I could do some more things with it, mainly because of its size. But it was still running iOS, which was a very limited operating system. It certainly could not replace my laptop, but it was a nice device.
But then, I carried my iPhone with me in my pocket all the time. And I had to carry the laptop around, as the iPad would not replace it. The iPad did not run Microsoft Office, and when it was released, it was very limited. With time, the iPad ended in a drawer, and I barely used it.
In 2016, Apple released the iPad Pro, and I bought it. It promised so much more. Four years later, the iPad was a far more powerful device than it was back in 2012. It had a pen(cil) and a keyboard. I would certainly be able to do much more with it now!
And then, in fact I could. I could write and draw on it, and the keyboard was nice. But then I realized it could still not replace my laptop. I use a lot Microsoft Office, especially Word. And the iPad is a poor device for writing. I could do nice things with it, but not all the things I needed. And a laptop can do everything I need.
So, in the end, the new iPad Pro, the pen, and the keyboard, are at home. I carry around my iPhone, and my laptop. I use the iPad Pro mainly for watching Netflix, and nothing much else. It is a great device, and I tried to make it fit my workflow. But it does not. A laptop is far better at this.
I am not alone in this. I talked to many people who bought iPads, and do not use them, or barely use it. The iPad is good, beautiful, and different. Apple seduced a lot of my friends into buying one, but they do not really need it. The only friend of mine who really uses the iPad said to me he only does it because he forces himself really hard to.
I may be biased, because I am an attorney, and I know too many people in my profession. We use a lot of Microsoft Office, and the iPad is poor at that. The iPad may be great for artists, and designers, and photographers, and musicians, but how many of those are there out there? Where I live, at least, there are far more attorneys than creative professionals.
So, while the iPad may be a great tool for some, it is still probably a distraction for the majority, who may have bought it mainly for the hype. Just a guess, though.